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BGC12: Episode 9: Birthday Blowout

It's Nesha's birthday today, so I'd like to do something for that, I like Nesha, she's cool.

Emily: -walks to the vanity room, seeing Amina and Julianna in there- Hey girls. Amina: Hey hey Julianna: Hey, what's up? Emily: It's Nesha's birthday and like... I want to get her balloons and stuff, since she's out right now. It'll be a nice surprise or whatever. Julianna: -looks up, giggling softly- Amina: Fuck Nesha's birthday, her and I aren't cool like that.. but I mean I guess I'll go out. Miranda: -stands in my room, hearing that and walking out- Miranda: Amina, you're so fucking lame. -walks out of the room slowly and to the vanity room- Miranda: You're talking all this shit about Nesha when she isn't here, but last night you were with us and said nothing. Amina: -looks over at her- Girl, shut the fuck up. I said fuck her birthday because her and I aren't friends, the fuck? Miranda: ALRIGHT AND WHAT I'M SAYING ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS I HOPE THAT YOU SAY IT TO HER FACE! Amina: Fine bitch, it's nothing. You mad for what, Wendy? Julianna: Bitches are so mad -looks over, laughing at Amina-

Today is Nesha's birthday and I'm so happy for her. I want her to enjoy her birthday, but I can not wait to tell her about Amina and Julianna talking shit about her. Amina was in the club with us when we were screaming Happy Birthday to Nesha and she turns around and says she didn't know about her birthday and fuck her birthday because they aren't cool. And I think it's bullshit because where was this energy when Julianna "wasn't" around? Where was it, Amina?

Julianna: Let's go now. -says to Emily- Amina: -gets up, walking out of the vanity room- Emily: Yikes -awkwardly laughs, walking to the elevator- Emily gets out the car walking into the "party shop" Amina: This is perfect! Emily: Right? Hopefull we can find everything we need here Amina: -Hops out the car stroking my braid- Amina: I wanna buy some wigs- Emily: You mean like silly ones? Stephanie from Lazy Town type wigs? Amina: YES! Emily: That would be so funny Amina: -runs into the store, cheering- Emily walks into the store begining to looks around Emily: Damn they have everything here Amina: AHH! Emily: I lowkey wish it was my birthday just so we could throw a party Amina: -Laughs- Amina: I wouldnt wanna have my birthday in this house Amina: honestly -shrugs- Amina: -looks around for the wig section- Emily: Yeah that's true, I'd rather be home with everyone I know Amina: EEEK! -jumps up clapping seeing the wigs- Emily: These are so fun Amina: Right Emily puts on a bright green wig and shakes the hair about Emily: What do you think? Emily poses Amina: -laughs- Amina: I love it Amina: -tries on the dread head wig- Emily: You look like a british hippe! Amina: -pushes dreads over shoulders- Amina: -pretends to smoke a blunt- Amina: thats what im going for Emily: Ohhh the rastafarian vibe? Amina: -blows imaginary smoke- Yea mon Emily laughs at her Amina: I think I wanna keep this one -takes it off and holds on to it- Emily: I'm gonna get this green one I think Amina: This is gonna be fun Emily walks over to the baloon section picking out some giant ballons Emily: Will these fit in the car? Amina: THIS IS WHAT I NEED -grabs the red wig and puts it in bag- Amina: -follows behind emily looking at the balloons- Amina: Them shits are really big Emily: Right? Dobber: I don't just want small balloons though Amina: I want a dick balloon Amina: a gaint one Julianna: Nesha's a lesbian you think if we dressed sexy Julianna: she'd try and pounce Julianna: Because no shade but you know, we look good Amina: I don't know and I dont care Amina: Like that blew me I'm about to just mess with her Amina: for the rest of time Amina: She shoulda never gave me a reason Julianna: True Julianna: Do what you need to do that ain't my friend Julianna: -grabs extra balloon sucking the helium out and says with a squeeky voice- bad gurls! Emily laughs hearing Juliannas squeeky voice Amina: -hold bag around arm laughing- Emily: Wanna go catch happy hour before we go back? Julianna: -Sucks more helium, pushing hair behind my shoulder speaking in a squeeky voice- Don't ack shook or suprised Julianna: YEA! -yells with a squeek, letting balloon go- Amina: -laughs playing with red wig- Amina: I just feel like -moves hands around annoyingly- Amina: -swings whip around- Amina: I shoulda bought a play gun Amina: i'm dying imagining that in the house Amina: They gon send me to jail Julianna: FRFR Julianna: They ain't let me bring my tazor Amina: it needa be put to use Julianna: Girl I can give these bitches the volts

Nesha: -pulls back up at the House, getting in the elevator and going upstairs- Nesha: -walks through the hallway, fluffing my hair- I'm back from getting my hair done bitches! Gia: -sits in the vanity room, gathering vanity products of mine- Miranda: Nesha, biiiiitch. Let me tell you. -walks over to her- Tell me how this bitch Amina was talking mad shit about fuck your birthday and this and that. Nesha: Really? Miranda: Yes! I confronted her and she was just saying how like she could say what she wants. I'm legit tired of her and Julianna. Nesha: Girl, me too. Them bitches need their asses whooped and I don't care if it's my birthday or not.

I'm tired. I'm tired of these bitches. All they do is talk talk talk and I've literally had enough. I've been trying to hold in my anger since the cheese shit, but y'all are fucking with me on my birthday. I've endured bitches talking about my dead parents, blaming shit on me, touching my clothes, throwing cheese on my shit, and throwing shade and I'm pretty much about to blow. I'm gonna attack Amina and Miranda has Juli.

Miranda: It's been all vacation and I'm SICK of it. Miranda: These bitches been testing me, and I'm ready tonight. Miranda: TONIGHT- IS- THE MOTHER- FUCKING- NIGHTTTTT. -Screams, as I walk throughout the room.- Nesha: YO Nesha: -Walks to Julianna's picture, yanking her picture clean off of the wall, slinging it down the hall- Nesha: Let's play follow the leader ! Gia: -overhears Nesha, confused as I pull my shirt down a bit, while in my thong, doing my nails- Nesha: -Walks over to Amina's picture, yanking it off of the wall as well, slinging it right after Juli's pic- Miranda: YESSSSS. -Cheers Nesha on, as I jump up and down like Dreamdoll.- Nesha: -Walks around the kitchen, walking up to the wall, beating on it with my inner fist so my knuckles don't get hurt- Nesha: I'm ready. These hos want the static so wussup? Miranda: All this talking! All of this extra ass talking. Miranda: I'm tired of this shit. Miranda: -Redoes my bun, as I walk along side of Nesha.- Nesha: It could be on christmas and I'd still wash this bitch Miranda: -Walks into my room, sitting on my bed, quickly grabbing my Jordan's from the side of my bed, sliding them onto my feet.-

Gia I'm not really sure what's going on but Nesha and Miranda are super pumped up right now. I hear all this yelling and I'm deciding that I'm going to try to stay out of it, I've been doing really good at keeping my anger to a minimum and I want to keep it that way.

Emily: I just like to get out the house and do stuff Julianna: Right Julianna: I be feeling like sour when i gotta be in the house all day Amina: Same im so glad we went to the party store I got so many goodies Julianna: Right Julianna: Odds are, Nesha not getting any of this shit Julianna: The balloons too funny Amina: When I said fuck her birthday I was joking but like serious tho like how much do I really know da bitch? Emily: I'm putting the things I bought around the house for her Julianna: I understood what you meant Julianna: Like did you even have a 1 on 1 with Nesha? Amina: No never Amina: I dont know nothing about her Julianna: Yeah, then I don't know what the issue is Amina: We should get on some of these rides tho Amina: Unless yall ready to go or something Amina: I just wanna get a few -smiles- Emily: I'm down for what ever Amina: Yay! Julianna: Same let's pray we don't throw up Amina: I might but fuck it! Amina: lets get on drop ride Julianna: found one Emily finished my drink following behind the girls Amina: -runs to the power ride waving arms in the air- Julianna: bitch Amina: -gets on buckling seat- Emily gets into the seat, and buckles up Julianna: -sits nervously- Julianna: how we go up Amina: yall ready! Julianna: yea Emily: Yea Julianna: -throws around out screaming- Amina: WOOO -it zooms upwards- Emily screeams as it flys up Julianna: -screams holding on tight- Amina: WOOOO -puts arms out as we drop down- Amina: -wig almost flys off- Emily laughs loudly as the ride shoots up and down, screamign and clinging on Amina: -holds on to seat looking at the other girls laughing- Julianna: GIRL Julianna: -sees the wig fly up and land back on Amina's head- Amina: YES YES YES BITCH ! Amina: -ride comes down stopping- Emily adjusts my hair as it stops Amina: -unbuckles seat getting off and fixing wig- Amina: I need a brush bitch Julianna: We survived -says laughing- Alisha: Down for another one! Emily laughs getting off the ride Emily: Yeah sure Amina: This gonna be my last one becuz these drinks r gonna come right back up Julianna: Depends which one we talkin about Amina: These swing things Julianna: I';m not tryna be dropped Julianna: O bitch you testing fate Amina: -points to it- Amina: Come on! Julianna I'm having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun with Emily and Amina like they're really showing me a good time and I can't help but you know, almost consider the girls friends. I don't wanna pull it too quick, but I DO enjoy their company a lot, they're more positive and they're hilarious too! Miranda: -Sits on the confessional bench with Nesha, talking to the camera.- Miranda: Bitches... Miranda: Is weird in this house! Nesha: MADDD WEIRD. Nesha: They mad pussy too ! Miranda: Like, I think we've been chilling lately, but they want to get at something. Miranda: Amina is a following ass bitch... And Julianna... -Looks at Nesha, laughing.- Nesha: GURL. Nesha: Amina stay swallowing Julianna's shit. -Gets up clapping a bit- Miranda: -Pulls my bra up, trying to cover up my boobs.- Nesha: -Sits back down- Like yall supposed to be grown ass women. Boss up Miranda: Exactly, what grown ass women comes in the house to be a follower? NOT. ONE. Nesha: She wanna say we wasn't cool but NOT ONE TIME did this bitch come to my face Nesha: and say some shit. Miranda: Same with Julianna. Miranda: These hater ass bitches. Miranda: WE LIT... Nesha: Julianna pussy ass. She wants to squash beef in front of everyone Miranda: SO Y'AL BETTER WATCH OUTTTT. Nesha: BUT SHE'S A HATER EXACTLY. Nesha: Amina watch out girlll. Nesha: IMMA GIVE YOU A TIMB WEARING, SUBWAY RIDING, NEW YORK ASS BEATING. Miranda: -Winks at the camera, crossing my legs, tapping Nesha onto the shoulder in agreement.- Miranda: -Starts laughing, turning off the camera.

Julianna: -Gets in the elevator, holding bags- Emily gets out the elevator at the loft walking round carrying these helium filled boob ballons and some happy birthday baloons Julianna: -Plays with Amina's whip- I'm cat woman Julianna: Won't lie Gia: -gets up from the vanity station- Nesha: -Sees Emily walk out of the elevator- Nesha: Hey Boo. Amina: -walks out the elevator smiling- Gia: -finishes painting my nails, putting my nail polish back- Miranda: -Looks at Nesha, smirking, tightening my bun.- Emily: Happy Birthday girl!! Amina: -walks into the kitchen- Nesha: Thank you! Gia: -walks back out of my room and down the hallway- Emily runs over to her jumping into her arms Emily: These balloons are for you Nesha: -Holds her a bit- Amina: -flips red wig simling- Julianna: -Skips out the elevator, going into the kitchen as well, putting pags on the counter- Nesha: Thank you ♥ -Takes them and walks into my room- Amina: -looks up and down at neshas outfit- Julianna: bags* Nesha: -Sets the balloons in there and walks back out- Emily walks into my room putting down my bags Gia: -walks down the hallway, past the living room- Julianna: You've been a bad bad girl -slams whip against the kitchen floor, giggling- Miranda: -Walks with Nesha, giggling at her facial expressions.- Amina: -takes the wig off and strokes my braids underneath- Nesha IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN IN THE BGC HOUSE ! IN 5..4..3...2... MOTHAFUCKIN 1 Nesha: So Amina... -says halfway out of my room- We got beef now? Gia: -walks over to the kitchen, opening the fridge, then turns seeing Nesha- Julianna: -Neck jerks back, making a confused face then rolls eyes- Miranda: -See's Julianna from a distance, as I stand with Nesha.- Amina: Girl do you want beef? Amina: Im good Gia: -looks over, a bit excited- Nesha: -Walks fully out of my room- I heard you were talking shit Nesha: SO I just wanted to KNOOWWW. Amina: I'm sure Wendy told you what was up Miranda: -Starts giggling, as I stand with my hands onto my hip, walking with Nesha.- Nesha: Oka----- Nesha: -Runs up on Amina, throwing rapid punches at her face, making her fall down- Amina: -Grips her hair tightly holding her down and swings left fist into the side of her face viciously- Miranda: Wendy? But you walking- Nesha: -Grabs her hair and yanks her to the floor Nesha: -Yanks her head into my fist hard Amina: -grips her hair by the roots tightly shoving her face down and uppercutting her- Gia: -looks over, laughing- Nesha: -Jabs her in the head fast as i yank more and more Amina: -swings her to the floor by her hair flipping her body to the side hovers over her punching the side of her head- Gia: YOOOO! Nesha: -Wams my fist into he rhead and i yell Julianna: -Looks over at Nesha- Amina: -grips her hair by the roots tightly shoving her face down and uppercutting her- Gia: -laughs, standing by the counter- Nesha: -Jabs he rin the nose twice as I yank her over again Miranda: -Rushes over to Julianna, mushing her face intensely.- Miranda: -Jumps across, grabbing Julianna by her face, digging my nails into her face lightly, jerking her down to her knees.- Nesha: -Punches her over and over, banging my hand on her head Amina: -uses both hands popping both sides of her face and temple repeatedly- Nesha: -Wams my fist into her nose more and more Amina: -continues punching the center of her face repeatedly- Norrie: -guards yank Nesha and Amina apart Amina: -Grips her by her neck slapping her in the face repeatdly leaving hand prints- Nesha: -Slins her across the floor- Nesha: BITCH Miranda: -Wraps my hands into her hair, yanking her head around slowly, as I drag her on her knees.- Julianna: -Swings Miranda to the floor by her shirt- Nesha: KEEP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH Miranda: ALL. -Yanks her around, beating onto her head with a closed fist.- Julianna: -Punches her in the face as she hits the floor ramming my fist into her mouth- Nesha: GOT THAT ASS BEAT HE FUCK UP Miranda: THIS! -Holds her hair intensely, kneeing her in the chest, falling back onto her, throwing rapid punches.- Julianna: -punches her in the face holding her by her har- Amina: Girl you got fucked up Miranda: TALKING! -Swings her around, landing onto my side, kicking wildly, as I still have a lock onto her hair.- Norrie: -guards Yank Julianna and Laia apart Miranda: -Jerks my body up, dodging her hits a bit, stepping back, punching her right into her cheek.- Julianna: -Rips at her roots, beating her in the mouth as they pull me away- Nesha: YOU GOT THAT ASS BEAT. Gia: -eyes widen, looking around- Julianna: Y'all ugly Julianna: and you're ghetto Miranda: -Reaches over the guard, still holding onto Julianna's hair, yanking onto her hair.- Nesha: -Laughs- AND I'LL GLADLY BE THAT. Nesha: -Runs up to the gaurds, hitting juli as mimi has her hair- Nesha: BITCH Nesha: -Backs up a bit- Norrie: -guards lift up Miranda as she holds her hair-/ Amina: Girl they wanna run up Amina: and got done up Miranda: -Still holds her hair, as the guard raises me into the air, pulling it until her roots come out.- Julianna: -Yanks miranda by her arm as she holds my hair, jerking her to the floor- Julianna: -Kicks her in tthe chest- Julianna: Bitch what Amina: -strokes braid- Julianna: Y'all mad because we the stars? -Says behind security- I'm sorry Amina: Shes that pressed Norrie: -guards seperate the girls Amina: I said fuck your birthday Miranda: -Stands with the guards.- ALL THAT TALKING, BITCH! Amina: now what Nesha: Keep talking shit bitch. I'mma keep fucking yall up. Nesha: -Walks into my room, smiling- Emily walks back from my rooms hearing a load of ruckus Julianna: I'm gonna keep talking so I mean Miranda: I'VE BEEN WAITINGGGGG. Nesha: WELCOME TO NEW YORK BITCH. Julianna: Y'all been pressed Amina: -looks at the hand prints on her face- Julianna: From the gate Amina: -laughs- Miranda: -Pounds my fist onto my palm, screaming over the guards shoulder.- Julianna: She aggy Miranda: You've been pressed! You didn't even know me and you've been on my dick! BITCHHHHH! Julianna: But she broke too so I mean -does balance thing with my hands, tiling head- Miranda: -Pushes up onto the guard, screaming.- Amina: Sorry she got fucked up in her own city Julianna: Pressed on what? Nesha: AYEE AMINA YOU SUCH A PUSSY BITHC IKE YOU TALK SO MUCH SHIT AND I JUST FUCKED YOU UP RIGHT NOW Julianna: You look like the nutty professor who pressed on you? Miranda: I make more money than your wack ass clubs, bitch! Julianna: All she said was fuck your birthday, Nesha you're such a minion Miranda: I dropped your ass, bitch!

I've been wanting to place my hands onto Julianna since I stepped into the vacation house. I've been literally chilling and waiting it out, but I couldn't take it anymore and I just snapped. I had to do what I had to do. This is a really pretty face, but my hands aren't as pretty. Now I'm being sent to a Hotel for the night with Nesha.

Miranda: -Steps back, holding my bag still, walking to the elevator.- Put some pee's on that head, bitch! Amina: -strokes my wendy wig- Miranda: -Presses the button, going onto the elevator.- Julianna: -Blanks stares, not getting it- BYE EDDIE MURPHY! Amina: AND WHEN YOU COME BACK EXPECT SOME MORE HANDS Julianna: She wishes she could be me Gia: -walks over to the confessional, going inside and downstairs- Miranda: -Gets into the elevator, pushing the down button, blowing kissy faces as the door closes.- Miranda: -Does down, getting out and slides into the elevator with Nesha.- We did that.

Well I am shook! We get back from a buying Nesha some balloons, a cocktail and a couple rides to the house turning into a UFC ring. I honestly just thought Nesha was in the middle of getting ready when I gave her the balloons and saw her bonnet but lord was I wrong, I go to my room for 2 minutes and it's all going down. Miranda is fighting Julianna and Nesha is fighting Amina. It was all so unexpected to me. I didn't see the fight fully so I'm not sure who beat who up but I'm seeing bruises, some lumps and bump so it seems the fight was a big one

Gia: Woooow. -awkward laughs, walking to the Confessional- Gia: -sits down, adjusting the camera- Gia: -fluffs my hair up, adjusting myself- Gia: So... Gia: it just went down in this bitch for the first time in like a week or so Gia: I'm lowkey glad that it did though Gia: It's just weird Gia: I like Julianna, but I haven't spoke to her in a while because Amina has been so under her Amina: -walks into gias cf- Gia: I guess it's just what it is Amina: What Gia: This is my confessional! Amina: Whats the problem -walks down the steps- Amina: Do you got a problem too Gia: THIS IS MY CONFESSIONAL! THIS IS MY TIME TO TALK! Amina: Yall was all up in this house together plotting Gia: -stands up from the chair, looking over at her- Nobody was plotting on nothing Gia: What they were saying or doing had nothing to do with me! Amina: Y'ALL WAS THO -claps hands- Gia: WE WEREN'T! Amina: Bitch You in there ah kekekeke -does a fake laugh- Amina: Like you plotting Gia: THIS IS MY CONFESSIONAL! LET ME TALK IN MY CONFESSIONAL! Amina: I don't give a fuck Gia: -stands up by the confessional chair, extending my arms as I talk with my hands- Amina: Its mine now Gia: You don't have to, but this is my fucking confessional! Amina: Well I just wanted to know what was up! Amina: -throws hands out- Gia: Nobody was fucking plotting on you, that's it! Amina: You in here talking shit though Amina: I heard you! Gia: I'm not talking shit, you been under Julianna and that's just how I feel! Amina: I'm not under nobody fuck you mean Gia: -shrugs my shoulders, moving my hair from my face- Gia: You are though! Amina: You the same bitch who jumping people for her! Amina: YOU THE SAME BITCH Gia: I never jumped ANYBODY! Amina: -waves finger- Gia: I had my friends back and snatched a bitch up for her Gia: There's a big difference Amina: You jumped Jennifer for a bitch! Amina: You the rat you under a bitch Gia: I did not jump any fucking body! Gia: You're under her Gia: Bitch you're at her HIP Gia: we in the Club, you don't speak unless she's there Amina: BABY WE STARTED LEAVING Y'ALL BECAUSE Y'ALL WASNT DOING SHIT! Amina: -claps hand as i talk- Gia: YOU BEEN BEING NEGATIVE AND LATCHING ONTO JULIANNA'S HIP THOUGH! Gia: IT'S NOT EVEN ABOUT BEING LEFT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT Amina: BITCH IM HAVING FUN WHAT YOU DOING Amina: BITCH YOU SHRUGING -impersonates her- Gia: I'VE BEEN HAVING FUN AND CHILLIN, FUCK YOU MEAN? Amina: AHHH IDK WHAT WE DOING Amina: FUCK YOU MEAN Gia: -walks over to the Camera, starting to adjust it, as I keep looking at Amina- Gia: BITCH LIKE WHAT? Gia: I BEEN DOING SHIT Amina: Girl hold up Amina: Because I feel like you trying me Amina: I really do Gia: It's not my fault Gia: I just feel like you're a backburner bitch Gia: Now get out of my confessional Amina: Same for you Amina: Nope Gia: -holds onto the Camera, extending my forearm towards her chest a bit- Get out of my Confessional please! Amina: You know what Amina: You got it Amina: I'mma go Amina: -turns around flipping braid- Gia: Bye! Gia: -fixes the camera, then goes and sits back down- Amina: -quickly turns back around- Amina: What Amina: Get up Gia: You wanna fight? Amina: RIGHT NOW! Amina: -Grips her hair jerking down on the seat swings fist into her forehead intesely- Gia: -lunges out, grabbing onto her hair quickly, as I'm on the chair- Amina: -holds on to the side of her face digging nails into her cheek and pounds on the other side repeatedly- Gia: -falls back off of the confessional chair, as I try to punch at her, missing- Amina: -jerks her head around by her hair ramming her into the wall- Gia: -keeps holding onto her hair, while laying on the floor in the confessional- Amina: -continues punching the center of her face repeatedly- Gia: -swings upward at her, laying on my back as I punch on the side of her head- Amina: -uses both hands popping both sides of her face and temple repeatedly- Gia: -keeps holding her hair, throwing punches at the side of her head- Julianna: -Flings open the door, yelling- SERIOUSLY, GIGI!? Amina: -pops the side of her head repeatedly jerking her head around- Gia: -keeps swinging at the side of her head, while laying on the floor, trying to kick- Gia: -starts kicking up at her, getting her in her gut, as I hold her hair- Amina: -Swings her around by her hair still punching her- Julianna: -Runs to the fight, pulling Amina off- Norrie: -guards yank the girls apart, and take Amina out the room Norrie: -guards yank Julianna out too- Amina: -grips her hair tighter ripping her hair as i get pulled off- Julianna: YOU LET THEM ATTACK ME, LIKE REALLY?! -says getting pulled out the room- Amina: -kicks wildy screaming- Amina: YOU DUMB BITCH Amina: KEEP TALKING HOE Amina: ALL YALL BITCHES Julianna: YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND -yells getting pulled out- Amina: CAN GET WORK Gia: I AM YOUR FRIEND! Gia: FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!! FUCK YOU AMINA SERIOUSLY. Gia: -says, as I get back up onto my feet- Amina: Girl Amina: I'm tired of working these hoes Gia: BACKBURNER BIIIIIIITCH!

I'm on beast mode at this point anybody can get it no one is safe these girls are soooo blessed that there's cameras and all this security because in the street this would end different. Next time I see Raggedy Ann or Nathan...Nesha. I'm cracking this bitch! Applying pressure to these crackheads forreal. They need to pray that they don't come back in here.

-the sun rises- Amina: -walks over to Gia- Amina: I just wanna talk to you -looks at her- Gia: About what? Gia: -looks over, holding my bottle of water, as I close the fridge- Amina: About yesterday Gia: What's up? Amina: Because I did like you at first and I think you have things messed up Gia: -nods, listening- Amina: -sits down at the counter- Amina: I dont like getting like that yelling and fighting but I just feel like Amina: No one in this house was really talking to me except Juli so that's why we was together Gia: Understandable Gia: I did like you too, I just felt like Gia: at vacation you guys were isolating yourself a lot and like then when we would go out, it just felt like there was so much tension and I was just getting the wrong vibes Gia: Which is why I had distanced myself from everyone pretty much Amina: Mhm and It was I was at the same point it was just like I'm very quick to shut down Amina: and when I felt like no one was talking to me I just was like ok i'm not gonna try Amina: anymore Amina: and just talk to Julianna Gemma: *playing with my hair while catching their conversation* Gia: And I do apologize for that, maybe I should have taken the initiative to talk to you Gia: It was just so much going on Gia: I wasn't really feeling like myself on that vacation Amina: yea like you was just real quiet I apologize too tho I probably should have like said how i felt Amina: But we all hardheaded and Im just use to cutting people off Gia: Exactly. I'm super stubborn, that's why I wasn't trying to talk to you or Julianna, I just didn't know how to go about it honestly Amina: Yuh its weird living in a house with the same people all the time Its not like the outside and you can just ignore it Gia: Exactly Amina: -looks over at Gemma listening and looks back- Gia: Usually if I'm feeling a way, I can just brush it off Gia: But living with someone, it's just weird Gia: And I didn't want to blow up and look like a hater or something Gemma: *continues to look over, blinking* Amina: Yea yea we all just have to work on communicating thats why we here Amina: -looks back over at Gemma bucking neck and looks back- Gia: Of course Gia: I do appreciate you coming to talk to me though Amina: I'm glad tooo Amina: -smiles getting up and walking out the kitchen- Gia: -passes by Gemma, holding my water bottle as I open it and drink-

Amina decides to talk to me and we basically resolve whatever happened. I wanted to get revenge on this girl for what happened yesterday, but after the talk I feel like things are definitely clear and the talk was very much well needed. I did like this girl from the jump, so it was all just a misunderstanding.

-the Limo comes to a halt, as a heel clacks on the ground, then steps out- "If you're a bitch to me, I'm going to be way worse to you" Naidalyn Baxter // 23 // Baltimore, Maryland

Growing up girl's have always had a thing out for me, but never knew anything about me. Maybe it was just the way I carry myself. They can never seem to keep up with me. I'd rather live my life knowing that I don't give a flying fuck about anything than trying to fight every girl. For a while I haven't gotten into a psychical altercation with anyone yet. I try not to get like that because I know the damage I'd do to a bitches face. But I want to try to change & get out of that phase of my life. Becoming a professional chef would be my goal. I grew up raising myself basically, seeing that my parents were always at work trying to make sure I had the best life I could have. I don't like to deal the negativity but somehow trouble always seems to find me. Naidalyn: -walks inside the house, smiling- BIIITCHES! I'm hereeeeeeeeee Naidalyn: -walks through the house, smiling- Gia: Hey!! -sees her, smiling and hugs her- I'm Gia. Naidalyn: I'm Naidalyn! Naidalyn: -walks over towards the kitchen area, seeing more girls- Oh my gosh, you're all so pretty. Amina: Thank you, I'm Amina Julianna: I'm Julianna! Naidalyn: Nice to meet you girls!

You all done fucked me up with another new girl? Bitch you pushing it. OVER it.

Naidalyn: I'm ready to go out, like, let's get liiit! Gia: I'm super exhausted, so I'm going to stay in tonight sorry babe Amina: I'm down to go out Julianna: Me too Gemma: -sneaks out of the house while they're talking and goes to take the Limo-

There's a new replacement! This was kind of odd, I didn't even see it coming y'all producers are sneaky! She's okay, I guess. Gemma's being rude and gross to her, as expected, but she's not really pressing on her like she TRIES to press me and I'm just like is it a race thing? Does the blonde hair make her think she can try me?

Naidalyn: Where's the limo? What the fuck? -looks confused- Amina: The only other bitch who's here was Gemma, she probably took that shit. Naidalyn: That's so lame.

What the fuck is wrong with this Pale bitch Gemma. She decided it was cool to take the limo without the rest of the girls. I frankly can't respect that & she'll hear from me in the morning. We re just going to stay in tonight so we can go out tomorrow night... hopefully with peace.

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