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BGC1: Episode 6: 4 to 4

I'm bored so yea I'm like lets go to a museum or something. We in New York I love art and I love history its perfect.

Amina: Do you want to come to the Museum with me? Jennifer: Yeah, sure. That's fine. I'm dressed. -sits on the couch, brushing my hair out- Amina: Alright, I'm going to go see who else wants to come. Amina: -goes to Miranda and Gia's room, sticking my head in- Do any of you girls want to come to the Museum? Miranda: I'm down. Amina: -walks over to Julianna- Do you want to come to the Museum with Jennifer, Miranda and I? Julianna: Yeah, I'm already dressed, like let's go.

I honestly feel like this whole house is against me ! Like i have no friends, I have nobody but myself and I'm fine with that, but whatever... hopefully going out to this Museum with these girls can just help me clear up my mind. I need it.

Amina: -walks around the Museum, looking at the paintings with the girls.- Jennifer: -holds onto my drink, sipping it through the straw.- Miranda: -walks around, looking at the pictures as well- Amina: Jenn looks like Sojourner Truth, look! -points to the picture- Jennifer: -looks over, with a serious face- Julianna: -playfully laughs, looking at the picture- Isn't that Harriet Tubman? Amina: No, I think that's Sojourner Truth -laughs- Julianna: Are you sure? -looks over, laughing- Jennifer: BITCH, I'M TIRED OF YOU FUCKING PLAYING WITH ME! -looks over at Julianna, yelling- Julianna: -looks over, confused- Jennifer: YOU'RE GOING TO STOP FUCKING PLAYING WITH ME, PERIOD.

Jennifer: Everyday you're fucking talking shit and starting stuff!

Jennifer google logo, tall shoe headed ass bitch wants to try me in public and I'm just really annoyed because I ain't even do anything to this bitch so like what? You wanna fight me so bad, just square up and fight me

Sooo my little pranks seems to be causing a lot of trouble in the house soo aprantley everybody thought it was julianna who did the roach prank when it was really me and juli tells me how they threw the roaches on her and i kinda feel bad because it was actually me who did it but im gladdd it wasn't me who got the roaches tossed on them because im terrified of bugs

Jennifer: -gets in the elevator, rolling my eyes, going upstairs- Jennifer: -walks inside the house, going to my room- Julianna: -walks inside the house as well with Amina- Why the fuck was she so mad at the Museum? Miranda: -walks inside the house, raising eyebrows with an uninterested face- Julianna: -goes to the vanity room, sitting down and looking in my mirror-

I can't take it anymore. I have no friends here, someone like me doesn't need to be in this house and I just feel like I'm about to give America what they want. Game on.

Julianna: -Starts braiding my hair, humming intensely- Harper: /sees Juli and eyes widen Jennifer: -Walks into the vanity room- whats up ? Harper: SHOW TIME! Harper: Swae Harper: SHOW TIME SWAE Jennifer: -Grabs her by her hair out her seat and staarts punching her in the back of her head- Harper: /walks over watching and eyes widen Harper: OH SHIT Jennifer: -kick her in the head and punchs her over and over- Harper: MIRANDA Amina: -walks into the beauty room grabbing shannde off her- Miranda: -Follows behind Jenn, holding onto my juicebox, screaming out of laughter.- Julianna: -Reaches up, slamming her on to the table and starts beating on her face- Miranda: YO! Jennifer: -rips out her hair and punches her between her eyes- Amina: STOP! Norrie: -guards yank them apart Jennifer: -bust her lips open- Julianna: -holds her by her hair, beating on her as i drag her off the tbale- Harper: She snuck her! Miranda: -Jumps up and down, holding onto my juicebox.- Jennifer: -punches her in the face as i get grabbed- Miranda: AH! Harper: WAIT Harper: WAIT Jennifer: BITCH! Harper: REDO Gia: -sneaks through all the commotion, swinging my hand to Jenn's head quickly as I grab her hair- Harper: SHE WASNT READY SWAE Gia: -gets a tight lock of her hair, jerking her over to me- Harper: Oh shit! Norrie: -guards try to pull Gia off Gia: -has a tight lock on her hair, throwing quick hits at the side of her head- Norrie: -guards yank dem apart Miranda: -Looks at Gia, then starts screaming louder out of laughter- Gia: -quickly gets yanked away- Miranda: YO! Amina: -moves out the way seeing gia grip her up- Harper: /laughs loud and falls back Harper: OH MY GOOOOOD Miranda: -Links arms with Harper, jumping up and down, gassing up the fight.- Amina: This bitch is tripping Jennifer: -pulls her hair rips it out- Julianna: -Goes around the guards, punching the back of Jennifer's head, sending her flying forward, kicking her in the back- Julianna: Nut ass bitch Norrie: -guards pull everyone away Nesha: OH MY Julianna: -Stands back letting them grab her up- Jennifer: -Spits on Julianna- Harper: /bust out laughing and begins to cry with Miranda barely able to stand Harper: I cant Larrissa: /me quickly drags shannade to the other side of the room Harper: I CAAANT Jennifer: BITCH! Julianna: The first thing your weak ass do is reach for my hair Jennifer: AND I STILL STOOD 10 TOES DOWN BITCH Julianna: Bum ass looking bitch

Jennifer hits me off guard, and I instantly flip her but of course, security swoops Jennifer up before I can get to her. Jennifer, you're weak as shit you had to sneak me because you knew if you fought me head on, that would be yo ass, and you still got your ass beat. SOOOOOO know at the reunion, I owe you an ass whooping

I'm not sure if my girl Jenn has to go home, but right now. I'm not sure what's really about to happen. The producers pull Jenn to the side and they tell her that she has to go home and then BOOM! Shit just pops off.

Norrie (the producer): -walks out and goes over to Jenn.- Norrie: I'm sorry, but we're going to have to send you home. Jennifer: -nods, listening- That's fine. Miranda: -Stands next to Jenn, as I hear the news, keeping a straight face, shrugging.- Harper: as the ANTM music plays and Shannade's picture vanishes Jennifer: -Pauses - Miranda: -Turns around, sipping my juice, walking toward the Vanity room.- Nesha: -Smiles, turning the tab to my homework- Harper: /walks from the kitchen wiping my hands off with the kitchen towel on the fridge Jennifer: -follows behind miranda and punching Miranda in the head- FAKE ASS BITCH

Jenn, really? Literally all the "respect" I had for you is completely cut. You're dead too me, you want to run up behind me and sneak me, but you still took an L in the end. I have no problem admitting how easy you are to manipulate. So trust me the next time you see me, you better pray I have a straight jacket cutting of the circulation in my body to stop me from clawing your face off of your body. Bye bye, Jenn, you surely won't be missed

Nesha: OOP Miranda: -Throws the juice box at her head, grabbing onto her hair, spinning her down to the floor, beating her on the back of the head intensely.- Harper: /walks to my room seeing her punch her Jennifer: -grabs her by her hair and pulls her down0 Harper: AAAAH! Harper: WAIT Nesha: OH NO ! Jennifer: -pucnehs heri nthe head over and over- Nesha: WHAT THE FUCK Miranda: -Grabs her arms, yanking her to the floor, beating her still- Jennifer: -kicks heri n the face and rips her hair out- Norrie: -guards yank dem apart Larrissa: /me runs over grabbing Jenn yanking her off Jennifer: -spits at her- Harper: /holds Miranda and pins her on the wall Miranda: BITCH! Harper: SWAE Nesha: AYE AYE ! CHILL YALL ! Miranda: YOU'RE KNOWN FOR SNEAKING BITCHES! Amina: who is swae Jennifer: -Thows off all the makeup off the table in the vanity room- Miranda: WHAT DID I DO TO YOU, BITCH?! Jennifer: -pulls out the shoe boxes and throws them- Jennifer: -Steps in the elevator- Larrissa (producer/guard): /me tosses Jenn in the elevator clicking the lobby button Jennifer: BYE BITCHES Harper: is she serious!? Amina: he needa go Miranda: -Tries to get passed Harper, throwing my hair back into a bun.- Amina: HE GOTTA GO! Miranda: You have got to let me go. Harper: No no no Larrissa: /me looks at Norrie Harper: /stops Miranda skipping with her blocking her Nesha: What.....the fuck.... Jennifer: -Goes through the lobby with my stuff and walks out- Larrissa: maybe we might need to bring up that extra paramedic Jennifer: -gets in the van and pulls off-

Well I'm going home, i don't regret anything i did if i had the chance to do it again i would do it all the same. I'm a true bad girl, i say what i want and i do what i want, i look good and dress good and i was REAL. Living in the Bad Girls Club house was draining but i'm glad i had the chance to get the experience. To all the bitches in the house don't think you got ran me out or got me out this was coming in only a matter of time.This is not the last you will see of me Julianna I never had a issue with you i never once touched your things, from the time you met me was acting a way and you didn't even know my name after that i was over you but i wouldn't mind working things out but you always found ways to drag shit out and have an issue with me and you got your ass beat. Gia, your fake and your up Julianna ass your a hypocrite and a coward and you got your ass pop to. Karma your disgusting and a bully you fucked with weakest girl in the house and your a follower your damn self i wish you was there i wanted to punch you to. Miranda i thought we was better than until you start keeping a bit funny acting so you got your ass hit to oh well. Nesha your a real bitch and i respect you ill see you soon girly. Gemma be strong and don't let them bitches run you out! And as far as the two replacements Hipo and Ant oops i mean Harper and Amina Say what you want if you bitches could of been originals you could of seen it a better enjoy your couple of days while they last.

Jenn leaves I really don't feel no way. Bye girl! She doesn't make no type of difference to me. The way she went off I can already tell she the type of bitch that be making shit up so she can fight and she don't even win like whats ur point.

I don't know if everyone's periods got synchronized or something but everyone's losing their shit. Jennifer decided to take off on EVERYONE tonight. And now she has to go home. I can't say anything about her besides you pulled a bitch move and got flipped over and got your ass beat ....STILL. But um yeah I guess bye.

Jennifer left last night and honestly, I don't regret anything that happened. She deserved everything she got and just like Catalina and Catie, you are now sent home and you've just made the 3rd East Coast bitch and 4th Original to be sent packing. See you soon!

Karmalene: -gets off the elevator stepping into the house , walks pass the pics stopping checking them out- Karmalene: -sees jenn pic is gone as i let out a soft chuckle- Karmalene: -flips my braid as i strut off into my room- Karmalene: -sits my purse down on the bed , noticeing its to quiet around the house- Karmalene: -peeks head into the hall , peeks into the vanity room- Karmalene: -walks back in my room to my purse , opens it pulling a napkin out with a used condom i used lastnight- Karmalene: -walks to gemmas makeup station sitting it on her mirror- Karmalene: -bites my lip holding back laughter runs out , jumps in da bed pulling covers over my head-

Julianna: -sits in the vanity room, looking in the mirror as I highlight my face- Gia: -starts doing my makeup as well, sitting down- Miranda: -looks in the mirror, rubbing lotion on my chest- Amina: -gets up from the station- I'm ready bitches, it's lit Harper: -waits by the foyer, pressing the elevator- -fast forwards and shows all the girls walking and getting in the elevator, then getting in the limo and the limo speeding off-

So, tonight the ladies and I are going out to the club and it should be lit

-van pulls up to the front of the Loft- Gemma: -steps out of the van, grabbing my bag behind me.- Gemma: -walks inside the loft, going upstairs- Gemma: -walks inside the house- Gemma: -walks towards my room, seeing something on my vanity mirror.- Gemma: *looking down noticing a used condom, beginning to heave covering my mouth* Gemma: *standing up now, id pick up a makeup wipe, walking over to Julia's spot* Gemma: *opening her makeup bag, placing the condom in there, zipping it back up* Gemma: *throwing the makeup wipe in the bin, walking back to my spot* Gemma: *picking up a matte pink, putting it on now looking in the mirror*

I know that rat Karmalene put the used condom on my makeup desk, She's the only one sneaking out at night to get dick But Julia deserved an early birthday present. Karma's day will come, eventually if she ever does swing

Gemma: -starts snatching up Gia and Julianna's makeup brushes, walking to the toilet with them and flushing them- Gemma: -walks back to Gia's room, pushing my hair back- Gemma: -walks inside, starting to grab one of Gia's luggages.- Gemma: -yanks her luggage out over to the vanity room, then goes to the kitchen grabbing ketchup and mustard- Gemma: -starts squirting them all over her luggage, then lifts the luggage up, grunting a bit- Gemma: -walks to the Jacuzzi area, tossing her luggage in it and then walking out-

My turn Gia, you wanna get me sent to a hotel. You mad bitch, enjoy picking your smelly ass stuff up

-the girls walk back inside the house from the Club- Julianna: We're fucking liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Gia: Aye aye aye -shakes my ass, standing by the frames, laughing- Harper: I feel like going on the pole tonight, I wanna shake my ass or something. Miranda: -giggles softly- Alright girl, you do that. Nesha: -walks to the kitchen, plopping down on the chair while eating some apples- Miranda: -Grabs the plate of pancakes, tossing them into the trash.- Miranda: Gross. Nesha: -Walks out, seeing Miranda- Hey Girl. Amina: Like I be tryna be nice to her and she ignores me each time Julianna: She used to be as quiet as a mouse then she began following Nesha: -Walks over to the stove, adjusting my shirt- Where's the pancakes? Miranda: Hey. -Pulls my hair behind my ear, closing the lid on the trashcan.- Julianna: Girl I wish she'd ignore me, but I PROMISE you you not really missing shit becauseee Miranda: They were yours? Julianna: The bitch don't have much personality Amina: I'm just not gonna talk to her unless she talks to mehonestly Nesha: No, but whats her name...Harper said she made pancakes Nesha: You had some? Julianna: I wouldn't you should let her approach you Amina: Stuff like that really blows me like I hate being ignored Miranda: Nah, girl, they were trash... So I put them in the trash. -Giggling, placing my hand on the counter.- Miranda: I took a bite and almost passed out. Nesha: -Laughs, softly saying- Why this bitch cookin' if she can't cook? Gemma: *walking to the vanity room, sitting at my spot* Julianna: -Nods, listening- that shit could be irritating specially when you making an effort Miranda: She's the house maid... -Starts laughing, as I swing my hair back.- Gemma: *starting to beat my face for the day* Julianna: And a lot of people don't really like putting themselves out there and to be ignored while doing so ... girl Julianna: Don't give that bitch any time of day Harper: /kicks up and grabs the pole and swings my hair left to right dancing on the pole Amina: Mhm Nesha: She's always cleaning, but I guess that's her talent or something Nesha: -shrugs, going into the fridge, getting out the apple juice- Miranda: -Tells Nesha to "Shh" as I see Harper on the pole.- Julianna: But on another note, I'm really excited to do this test Miranda: Lil Nesha: -Giggles a bit, walking over to the cabinet, opening it to get a cup- Gia: Lil consuela was wildin at the club tonight Julianna: Imagine if I'm like 40% African... you think they gonna let me say the N word? Miranda: Lil' house maid was wildin' at the club tonightttttt. Gia: -laughs, starting to push my hair behind my ears- Nesha: She was and girl I was madddd Nesha: Like I was getting mad lit and she over here getting swept away by locals Nesha: -pours the juice into the cup, then closing it- Miranda: -Starts laughing loudly, then covers my mouth- I was like what the fuck? -Starts fake dancing.- Miranda: I tried to act like I wasn't with her. Julianna: We can do it later, I don't really know the process I just know we gotta pay Harper: / wobbles my knees and hoists myself uup and looks back seeing the girls in the kitchen as I twirl Julianna: We can research it now, tbh -says getting up from seat- Nesha: i hope she wasn't expecting me to jump in cause i sat right there and watch her get her shit rocked... Miranda: -Eyes Harper, starting to laugh out loud.- Get it, molllllllyyyyyy. -Whispering to Nesha.- Nesha: -Burst out laughing, leaning against the cabinet- Kalanie: /raises my eyebrow as she starts laughing Nesha: -Begins to drink my juice- I can't.

Ughh omg. So Miranda and I are talking about Harpzilla also known as Harper and this is literally the funniest thing I've endured all day. The jokes just keep coming. Obviously, I don't fuck with her because of the club incident and the fact that she's always in everyone's business. She's mad annoying, so I'm enjoying this little session making fun of her.

Harper: /rolls my eyes and pays it no mind and continue to dance Nesha: You think she does that for a living or something? -whispers back- Harper: /spins on the pole in a circle and walks like Im walking on air Miranda: CONSUELAAAAA. -Screams it out loud,doing faking a feather duster motion.- Nesha: -Screams- AH ! Nesha: -Laughs loudly- Miranda: -Starts laughing loudly, throwing my hair to the side.- Julianna: -Jumps out of seat, walking out of the phone room, turning to Amina- it's gonna be interesting asf Miranda: -Rushes over to the pole with Harper.- HEY GIRL. Laia: -Starts grinning on her, dancing with her on the pole.- Kalanie: /spins myself upside down as i wrap my legs around the pole and gets into a hand stand Gia: -walks out of the kitchen, laughing at Miranda and Nesha as I shake my head- Harper: /flipps myself up and turns around Miranda: -Smakes her ass, dancing with her.- Nesha: -Sips my apple juice, laughing, looking at Miranda- Harper: Hey Miranda: -Slides down into a split, bouncing up and down, dancing with Harper- Julianna: -Sits down on the chair, opening browser, and clicking google chrome- Miranda: -Starts laughing, rolling onto my back, kicking my legs up- Harper: /looks over seeing Julianna on the computer Miranda: -Lays on my back, looking up at Nesha, laughing.- Harper: /looks down and raises my eyebrow again Harper: Ohkaaaay Harper: /begins to swing upward on the pole and and climbs to the top Gemma: *reaching for some food on the table, eating it* Nesha: -Laughs, banging on the counter a little- Julianna: -Googles the information, reading carefully, then raising an eyebrow, printing it out- Julianna: -closes google, jumping off the stool, and grabbing the paper- Harper: /twirls over and over at the top of it and lets go swingins with one arm Nesha: -Finishes my juice- Gooodddd help me omg. Julianna: Don't topple the pole girl -says walking past Harper- Nesha: -Laughs at what Julianna says- Nesha: Omg, Miranda: -Starts laughing loudly at Julianna's comment.- Amina: -fluffs curls- Julianna: I'm just fucking wit u Nesha: Harpzilla ! Julianna: -Laughs, jumping on the platform- Alisha: -walks out the phone room- Nesha: -Turns around, laughing loudly-

Nesha is starting to get on my nerves, like honestly you always have something negative affiliated with you, and if you can't find anything better to do then to try to fuck with someone. Please get all the fuck out my face swae. Period.

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