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BGC12: Episode 4: RAIDED out

As the days are passing by, I definitely feel the tension rising between Catie and I. There's only so much a person can take before they snap and you're not just going to keep walking around this house like your shit don't stink. It's just not going to happen.

Catie: -starts rubbing moisturizer on my face, looking in my mirror.- Catie: -does a funny face, then puts my hair into a bun, getting up and moving back from the vanity table- Catie: -grabs my bag, walking out of the vanity room.-

I can tell that Jennifer and I's friendship is deteriorating slowly, if it hasn't already. But I don't care that much. At this point, I'm all for Catie. I used these bitches and got what I want, so there's not much that I can't do in this house.

Catie: -steps out of the house, going for a jog- Miranda: -Adjusts my bandana, screaming "JENNY!"- Gia: Nesha's been keeping her distance Julianna: As she should -bites into donut- Jennifer: -screams- WHATS UP ? Miranda: COME HERE. -Screams back, then lays back on the couch.- Julianna: I'm focused on getting her and Gemma out this house Jennifer: -Walks out my room walking to her- whats up ? Miranda: Come sit, let's talk! Gia: -nods, listening- Jennifer: -Stands up looking confused- what happen ? Gia: I do think someone needs to leave, honestly. -laughs- Julianna: And if it ends with me having to put hands on one or both of them that's what's gonna happen Miranda: I heard some things about you, that kind of rubbed me wrong to her, boo. Gia: Here for it -swings my hair back, snapping my fingers- Miranda: I just want you to know what the other girls are talking about. Jennifer: Okay so what did you hear ? Jennifer: And what was talked about ? Julianna: I like Karma, but I rather Karma beat the shit out of her Julianna: Karma's more of the fighter of three of us Miranda: Literally everyone in the house thinks you're a follower, babe. Miranda: They said that you were following Catie around like a lost puppy. Gia: She is the fighter out of us 3 Miranda: -Crosses my arms, looking up at Jenn's face.- Jennifer: Well i'm not i'm my own person, and if thats how you feel or any other person feels thats fine -shrugs and laughs- Julianna: I know how to fight, but you know, I'm more .... I don't fight fair Miranda: No, no, babe. I was just telling you. I'm cool with you, so I didn't want you out here looking crazy. Miranda: You know? Jennifer: If i was a follower when ever catie did her little shit she did to the girls i would of also joined her. And far as i know i thought that was my friend and we don't lik the same girls andi thought that we still together Jennifer: But i know what you saying but its most def nothing like that. Bitches will say anything about you if thy don't like you Miranda: Catie was agreeing with the girls saying that you were, so friend? I don't know. Jennifer: Yea i kinda peeped that which is why i had shifted away from her Miranda: I don't want to get in between so don't bring my name up, but it sure wasn't a friendly gesture for her to go and do something like that. Jennifer: Right -nods my head- Miranda: You can always hang with me, I would never call my friend a follower. Ya'know? Jennifer: I really like that. Thats real of you Miranda: Yeah, no problem! Maybe when Gemma gets home. You, her and I can all go out. Jennifer: Honestly i don't want catie in my room so shes going to have to find some where els to sleep if its on the couch or the floor so be it but i don't want someone sleeping where i lay my head that don't like me Jennifer: That sounds cool Miranda: You want to move her bed out of the room? Jennifer: Actually yes lets do that -laughs a little- Miranda: -Starts giggling, as I get up from the couch.- Let's do this fast, girl!

Since I've been here, I noticed that Jenn follows behind Catie like a lost pussy and I thought it was totally funny, but I thought what would be even funnier if I tricked Jenn into thinking Catie was talking shit about her. She'll be so hurt that her leader was talking shit behind her back, let's just hope she cracks.

Jennifer: -Gets up and walks to the vanity room and grabs a hair tie from my stations- Jennifer: -puts my hair in a bun and walks to the kitchen grabbign trash bags and runs back to my room- Miranda: -Walks behind Jenn, adjusting my hair scarf, smiling.- Jennifer: -Goes in the drsser pulling hr clothes out and putting them in the bags- Gia: -opens the fridge- Gia: -grabs a small bottle of Lemonade- Jennifer: -Grabs her shoes dumping in there to- Jennifer: -Breaks one of the heels on hr christan loubtions- bitch Miranda: -Walks into the room, grabbing Catie's sheets sliding them off the bed quickly, then walks over to the doorway swinging them out.- Jennifer: -Bags up her other cloths and bags them- Gia: -looks around the kitchen, seeing sheets fly out the room- Gia: -makes a confused face, continuing to drink my Lemonade- Miranda: Make sure you snatch up her necklaces and break those too! -Starts giggling, as I grab the pillows.- Jennifer: -Grabs them and gos to the kitch and grabs some bleach from under ther counter- Miranda: -Throws the pillows out of the room.- Jennifer: -pours bleach on her cltohes and picks the bad up and presses the elevator button- Julianna: Uh-oh. -Giggles, looking to Gigi- Miranda: -Watches Jenn, smiling, then opens my mouth wide when I notice the bleach in her hand.- Miranda: YES! -Cheers Jenn on, dancing around behind like Tabatha.- Jennifer: -throws her stuff in the elevator and presss the button so i can go down- THIS BITCH IS DONE Gia: -makes a yikes face, looking over at Julianna hearing Jenn scream- Jennifer: -walks back to my room helps miranda pick the bed up- Miranda: HOW DO YOU SPELL KARMA? J-E-N-NNNNNN! Jennifer: -bust out laughing- Miranda: -Grabs the mattress, being careful not to break a nail, sliding the bed out of the room with Jenn.- Jennifer: -Slides her bed towrds the kitchen and lays it down- Jennifer: -Grabs ketchup out th fride and squirts writeing my name on it- Miranda: Bed and breakfast! Miranda: -Watches her write her name on the mattress in total shock.- Jennifer: -grabs muster and writes go home- Julianna: Drama that doesn't involve us -Takes a sip of tea, holding it up- Cheers to that Gia: -holds up my bottle of Lemonade- Cheers Jennifer: -goes to the bathroom and grabs the trash can with pads and tamponds and throws it on her bed- Miranda: -Continues watching, as I run my freshly flat-ironed hair.- Jennifer: -Goes to my room and packs my clothes up in suit cases- Karmalene: -jogs back into the lobby from a jog checking in- Jennifer: -goes to Miranda room and hides them under her bed- I'm sit my stuff here okay Julianna: -Plays with choker, then strokes my hair- Gia: I wonder who they're going against though. Jennifer: -Walks to my room and puts on my space jams and gos to the the vanity room tying down my hair- Julianna: Someone unimportant Gia: Must be. Julianna: Hopefully it's Nesha but her room is -points- dat way

Sorry Catie you have to go! I packed her shit up in bags and her bed is sitting on the floor with bloody pads and ketchup and mustard. You see what being fakes gets you know where bitch! GO HOME CATIE

Jennifer: -walks to the kitchen with my hair braided, seeing Gia, Karma and Julianna- Jennifer: I just hope you know that Catie is going home. Gia: Mm, okay. -shrugs, sipping my Lemonade- Julianna: Great. -laughs, then looking over at Gia and Karma-

I already knew this would happen i knew they would turn on each other and end up killing each other. So at this point I grab me a front row seat and get ready for the show

Catie: -pulls up to the house, walking inside the elevator and going up- Catie: -steps out of the elevator, seeing all of my things as I look around confused-

I walk into the house and my things are ruined. I mean my clothing is bleached. My Christian Louboutin heels are by the door, my Chanel sneakers are in the all my expensive ass clothing has been touched and this is where I snap. I don't know who did it, I don't know who to attack but come to find out Jen did it? So we were supposed to be friends and you pull some shit like this? Okay bitch, you've met your match. I've said since day one if you touch my stuff, bitch I'm coming...and I'm coming hard.

Catie: Oh really!? -Removes my jacket quickly, seeing my stuff everywhere- Jennifer: -Sits on the counter kicking my legs back and forth- Hey babe as you can she your shit is down stairs in the lobby with bleach i know you had to smell the bleach -laughs in her face- Catie: SO THIS WHAT WE DOING!? Jennifer: YEA BITCH YOU NEED TO GO! Karmalene: -starts laughing as i watch- Catie: -Kicks my shoes off my feet, tpying my hair up quickly- Jennifer: YOUR NOT MY FIREND YOU DONT LIKE ME SO YOU DONT NEED TO SLEEP WHERE I SLEEP BITCH Karmalene: were my popcorn at Julianna: -Looks over, crossing my arms, and watching - Catie: Alright bitch cause this how this gone go. Gia: -drinks my lemonade, watching- Miranda: -Hears Catie's voice, jumping out of my seat, still holding my sandwich.- Jennifer: -jumps down from the counter and gets in her face- Catie: -Runs over towards Jen, grabbing her head smashing it back towards the wall cabinets- Catie: BITCH Jennifer: -spits in her face and ppushes her- Catie: -Grabs ehr head, basing it towards the floor- Catie: -punches at her nose, holding her hair- Catie: -yanks her to the side, tossing ehr aroudn by her hair- Jennifer: -Pulls on her hair- Julianna: -Looks over at the fight- Karmalene: OOOOO! Gia: -looks over, watching, as I stroke my hair- Miranda: Yo! -Sands there watching them fight, as I still eat my sandwich.- Catie: -swings a ther nose as i beat down, swinging her aorund- Jennifer: get off me bitch! Norrie: -guards run in breaking up the fight Karmalene: -starts clapping as they fight- Jennifer: -punches heri nthe mouth busting herl ip- Catie: BITCH! Jennifer: -gets gets grabbed- Julianna: -Grabs an orange out the fruit basket, throwing it at them as they fight- YEA, BITCH GET SOME! Jennifer: HA! bitch! Catie: YOU'RE A DUMBASS BITCH BITCH AIN'T NOBODY BEENT ALKING ABOUT YOU! Gia: SELF DESTRUCT! SELF DESTRUCT! -laughs, sitting on the counter- Jennifer: bitch stfu ! Catie: YOU MOTHERFUCKING LET THESE BITCHES PUNK YOU ON NATIONAL TELEVISION BITCH! Norrie: -security gets hit by the orange as it bounces off of Catie's head- Jennifer: -holds my hair- YOU NEED TO GO HOME BITCH Miranda: YO! -Starts laughing, still holding my sandwich.- Catie: SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE -Grabs the nearby tray on the table, tossing it at jen head- Jennifer: THATS JUST THAT! Catie: SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! Jennifer: -Gets hit the head- I'm still cute bitch Julianna: -Laughs, strroking my hair giving Aubrey O' Day.- Catie: NO BECAUSE SHE GOT ME FUCKED UP Jennifer: -turns around and starts twerking- Jennifer: bitch you got a piece of jenny!!! Catie: -Trys to get to her, as I am leaping around, grabbing onto the wall Julianna: Jenn got her ass beat Catie: BITCH IS WEAR TO GOD IF I COME BACK IN THIS HOSUE. Catie: BITCH YOU'RE DEAD Catie: YOU ARE DEAD BITCH!!!!!!! Karmalene: she got fuckeddd overrr Jennifer: really bitch your making threats ?! Catie: YOU STUPID ASS BITCH! YOU LET THESE BITCHES- OOOO LET ME GO! Julianna: sounds like a promise to me Jennifer: i just got my ass beat now your saying im dead?! YEA I DONT FEEL SAFE Catie: -Screams at the guards as we're in the hallway- Let me get at her! Let me get at her!!! Gia: -looks around, smiling- Jennifer: SIKE BITCH ! Norrie: -guards try to restrain Catie- Miranda: -Watches Catie in total shock, moving my hair from my face.- Julianna: WHITE GIRLS! GONE WILD

Jennifer really just got thrashed and I'm happy and here for the self destruction.

Clearly these bitches could not take me and had to have Jen touch my belongings off a lie. Honestly as I said from Day One if anyone was to touch my belongings I'm going to wild out and that's exactly what I did. These girls have been jealous of me since Day One in this house and these bitches knew the one thing that would have me go insane is touching my things. Jenn, You were nothing but a Catie #2 this whole season and when it came down to show who you really were, let someone play you to get your ass beat. You let these girls put bugs in your ear to let you think that I was "fake" with you when I was honestly the only real friend you had left and for that reason, I'm glad I busted your nose open and at the reunion I'm finishing the job. Nesha, you're a dirty dyke from New York with nothing but a fitted cap and some busted Air Force Ones. Nothing you have done in this season is reasonable so jokes on you. Gia, I will admit you're running your section of the girls well but one thing you won't do is sit around here like you're that girl when you're not. You're pale with split ends and have the shape of a child in an ultrasound so stop it. Julianna, you're nothing but a follower. You have yet to be touched in the house so you will be most definitely catching my fade at the reunion. Karmalene, there's really nothing to say about you. I've already snatched you until your cornrows showed and you're a prostitute...a cheap one at that. When it came down to show who you really were you flipped around this house like a pancake. America's not going to like you so, good luck. Gemma, don't let these girls get you out this house. It's time for you to step up and show these girls a thing or two. Miranda, you were okay we only hung around for three days but I always had my radar out on you because I'm a sneaky girl and a sneaky girl knows another sneaky girl so I knew what you were from the jump. This is not the last you'll see of Catie. I came, I saw and I conquered. I'm leaving on my time and I'm absolutely fine with that. xoxo

Catie is going home! This is the fucking tea that I live for, her and Jenn fought and Catie beat her fucking ass, now she's going home. Bye girl!

Jennifer: Miranda, can you come with me to the Hospital please? Miranda: No problem, let me just put my sneakers on and we can head out. Miranda: -goes to my room, sliding my sneakers on-

To convince Jenn that I'm really her friend, I'm going to got out to the hospital with her to see if her nose is okay. She claims she's had a nose job before so I hope this nose is okay. I kind of feel a little bad watching her get her ass whooped like that, but I literally could not help laughing at the whole situation. Sorry, Jenny.

Gia: I'm so glad that one of them left.. -lays out on the couch, twirling my hair- Julianna: Me too. Another point for the West Coast team. These bitches are just lame. Soon Gemma will be out. -says softly- Gia: Exactly. Julianna: We're going out right? I need to be out of here. Gia: Girl, yes. Let's go get ready now. Julianna: -gets up, going to get ready- Gia: -gets ready as well- Julianna: Do you want to come out tonight Karmalene? -peeks head into the room- Karmalene: Nah, I'm going to pass. A bitch is tired tonight. -laughs- Miranda: -comes back with Jenn, walking upstairs and going inside- Jennifer: -fans my face, holding my nose a bit, walking to my room and getting in bed- Miranda: -Y'all going to the Club? -sees Gia in our room, as I look over- Gia: Yeah. Miranda: Let me get my ass ready then. -kneels down, starting to open my suitcase as I smell something- Gia: -walks out of the room and to the kitchen with Julianna, pre-gaming- Miranda: -Slides my suit case closer to me, unzipping it.- Miranda: -Starts digging through my suitcase, looking through my clothes.- Miranda: -Grabs a shirt, then pauses swiftly.- Miranda: What the f- -Smells the shirt, then makes a stink face, then pushes it from my face grabbing another shirt, repeating the same motion.- Miranda: What the fuck is that smell? Miranda: -Looks intensely at the shirt, noticing wet marks in the velvet material shirt.- Miranda: Is this fucking spit? -Raises the shirt up, looking at it in the light.- Miranda: Oh hell no!

So I'm going through my clothes looking for something to wear to the club tonight and I smell this really bad... REALLY BAD smell. I'm really disgusted. The only thing I could think of is spit... It little sprinkles of spit all over my red velvet top and I'm totally not here for this at all.

Miranda: -walks down the hallway, holding the shirt, as I see Gia and Julianna in the kitchen- Did any of you spit on my shirt? Gia: Spit? -looks around, confused- Julianna: I didn't. Gia: Me either, that's disgusting.

Julianna and I are about to go out to Club B.E.D. Karma decides to pass up on the offer, we're going to have fun for her though but before we left, Miranda comes up to me asking if I spit in her suitcase or on a shirt or something, like what? That's gross, I would never.

Miranda: Alright. Miranda: -walks to Gemma and Karmalene's room- Did any of you spit on my shirt? Gemma: Nope. Karmalene: Nah Miranda: Hm... something isn't right. -goes over to where Nesha is- Nesha: -sits on my bed, organizing my clothes- Miranda: Did you spit on my shirt? Nesha: No, I didn't. That's fucking gross. Flashback Nesha: -Walks to Miranda's room, opening her suit case, crying, spitting in it- Nesha: STANK SPIT FOR A STANK BITCH Nesha: -Wipes my tears, turning around at the camera- And Scene!

I stepped to everyone in the house and asked them who messed with my things and nobody confesses. I really feel like these bitches are real life scared of me. I literally am livid. It's all good though, I'm going to show these bitches sooner than later what I do to LIARS.

The Next Day.. Karmalene: -walks back up to the house from the local pet store giggling- Karmalene: -walks to the elevator with a mysterious brown bag in my hand- Karmalene: oh this is gonna get good! Karmalene: -steps onto the elevator pressing 2- Karmalene: -peeks into my bag as i begin to giggle- Karmalene: -gets off the elevator with my brown bag from the pet store- Karmalene: -walks straight into neshas room before anybody can see- Karmalene: -pulls a jar of Dead roaches out of my brown bag i got from the pet store- Karmalene: -begins giggling as i pull her covers back- Karmalene: -opens the jar as i put the NY cock roaches in her bed- Karmalene: THE ROACHES IS COMIN BITCH! Karmalene: -flips her cover back over neat like nothing happen- Karmalene: -walks over to jenns bed as i pull her covers back as well- Karmalene: -shakes a few roaches in her bed and pillow case- Karmalene: -flips her covers back how they were- Karmalene: -covers my mouth as i run out grabbing the evidence giggling- Karmalene: these bitches from the east Karmalene: they should be use to roaches Karmalene: -throws the evidence in the kitchen trash- Karmalene: -skips into my room laughing-

The girls and I decided to actually be productive as a house today. We're going to go out to dinner and actually try to enjoy each others company without anything to kill each other. After seeing how these girls conduct themselves at the club, I'm not too excited to see how they'll do a dinner, let God be with us.

Julianna: I can't wait for the new girls to get here Julianna: -Turns to Gigi, doing a little clap- Gemma: I wonder who they'll be. *placing my water on the table as my white wine is placed beside it* Gia: I can't wait either. Gia: I hope at least one is really cute. Gia: -as I start to dig into my food- Julianna: Bitch why did I almost say I'm the only white girl here Gia: Bitch, you thought! -laughs, eating my food- Gemma: *cutting at my steak, digging into my food* Julianna: -Laughs, starting to eat my food, pushing my hair behind my shoulder- Miranda: -Sits in silence, grabbing the folk and knife and begins cutting into my steak.- Gia: -giggles, taking a sip of my Drink, stirring the Straw around inside the drink to get the flavor going through the drink- Jennifer: -Begins to cut into my steak with my kife and fork- Julianna: You know what I wanna do something fun tomorrow we should go to a dance class Jennifer: -Applys some steak sauce to the the cutten up steaks and takes a bite with my fork- Gia: Like a twerk class or just a dance class? Jennifer: -Looks at Julianna- Like as a group or just you two ? Julianna: Just us and Karma -Nods, smiling- Gemma: *Continuing eating* Julianna: I was thinking twerk Jennifer: -Dips my shrimp in the sauce and eats one and goes back to my steak- Julianna: Because who the hell goes ballroom dancing Jennifer: I think we should do more things as a house honestly but oh okay -shrugs- Miranda: -Eats my food, then takes a sipe of my wine.- Gia: -keeps eating my food, then taking a drink- I'm here for it -says to Julianna- Miranda: Uh, we can't do anything as a house with bitches like... -Points my fork in Gia and Julianna's direction.- Miranda: -Continues to eat my food and drink my wine.- Gia: We're here now, aren't we? Miranda: You don't want to be. Gia: -takes a sip of my drink, stirring the straw around some more- Gia: If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have came. Miranda: -Slowly sits the knife down with my hands still on it.- If Julianna wouldn't have came, you would not be here. Miranda: Like Julianna said "Us and Karma." Miranda: -Pulls my hair back like Zendaya with my free hand, and then grabs my glass of wine, sipping it slowly.- Gia: Well, duh. That's like Jules, Karma and I going out and then just inviting you. Makes no sense. Gia: But I'm here now, so don't say we don't do anything as a house, because we went out your first night as a house and you see how that was. Julianna: Wait, what? -Looks up from plate- Jennifer: -Rolls my eyes- Honestly i'm over it we odn't have to do anything as a house from here on out. Like despite the spits and spats we should still be able to things together and be someone cordial we don't always have to fight it seem liek the only time we come together as 1 is when argue back and forth

Biiiitch, why are you so mad? You guys all want us to hang out with you girls, but you don't even like us? Bye.

Julianna: I sure do, but i'm not the one crying about the same shit Gia: Why bring up the fact that we're making plans to do something tomorrow? Julianna: You invited us out, didn't say shit now you mad that we're making plans with each other Gia: -takes a sip of my drink, looking up at the ceiling- Julianna: You spoke ON US so YOU -points with my finger- Get the fuck in line and get the fuck over it Julianna: THEN WHYYYY speak on us!? Julianna: You do care, because you got aggy the second we made plans girl bye Gia: We can't ever do anything as a house with bitches likeeeeeee -mocks Miranda's tone- Julianna: -Chuckles, sipping my drink-= Gia: And I came, was more then respectful. Julianna: It wasn't happening regardless, eat your food Gia: I don't want to be you. Julianna: You always aggy who the hell wanna be you Miranda: Anywayssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Miranda: Like, please, shut the fuck up about it. Julianna: -Looks to Gigi, giggling- Julianna: You still tAWLKIN tho Gia: You shouldn't have brought it up Gia: -laughs, taking a bite of my food- Miranda: -Sighs, getting up from my seat, throwing my money ontop of my plate of food, walking toward the exit.- Julianna: -Waves as she walks out- Gia: Made this into a big deal for nothing. Gia: -takes a bite of my food, shrugging Miranda: I don't have time to argue. I'm too pretty and I make too much money to be pressed over bitches like this. -Says to myself, as I listen to my heels clack, then let's out a laugh.- Julianna: Y'all gon go too? Miranda: -Slides into the limo, telling the limo driver to pull off.- Miranda: -Closes the door, letting the limo roll off.-

Miranda These bitches just keep on talking, they're going and going and going, I'm not about to have it and I'm definitely not making an ass out of myself in public. So I decide that I'm going to take limo, find another way home bitches.

Gemma: I don't even want to be here anymore. Jennifer: Me either, like I can't do it. Gemma: Let's go girl. -gets up, putting my money down on the table- Jennifer: -puts my money down as well, walking out of the restaurant with Gemma-

These bitches are just so lame. West Coast girls obviously handle things by being petty and immature, while girls like me who are from the East just throw hands, so I think it's best if I get out of this situation before something gets really ugly.

Gia: The energy just feels better already Julianna: I can finally breathe Julianna: Stink mouth bitches Julianna: -Continues eating food- Gia: -laughs hard, eating my food- Julianna: I was thinking we should just cook one day like have a chef teach us to cook Julianna: Keep myself occupied so I don't fuck a bitch up Gia: Oooh! That would be really cool Gia: I agree, my patience is running thin. Gia: Tonight was just so lame, like what? Julianna: Girl, next time Gemma yell in my face to hit her, guess what I'm gonna do? -Looks to her like gia looked at mimi at the reunion, eating food.- Gia: Hit that hoe -laughs- Gia: -eating my food, then sipping my drink- Julianna: You already know Julianna: -Finishes food, washing it down a drink- Gia: Here for it. -smirks, raising my glass then sipping my drink- Miranda: -walks to the Phone room, sitting down as Gemma and Jennifer walk inside the house- Miranda: I really can't... -rubs my temples, sitting down- Nesha: -walks to my room, about to get in bed, pulling the sheets back- WHAT THE FUCK!? Nesha: WHAT IS THIS SHIT IN MY ROOM!?

So I see that there are roaches in my bed and I'm not really sure who would do that, but I just know I'm going off. The first person that I see was Julianna, so bitch... you got it.

Gia: -pulls back up to the house with Julianna, walking inside and going to the Vanity room.- Nesha: -walks towards the Vanity room as well, holding the roaches in my hand- Nesha: Did any of you put roaches in my bed? Gia: No.. -looks confused, as I start sorting my makeup out at my station- Julianna: -looks in the mirror, ignoring her as I do pucker faces- Nesha: Oh really? Nesha: -opens my hands, tossing the dead roaches all over Julianna's face- Nesha: Next time, answer me when I ask you something bitch. Nesha: -walks out of the vanity room- Julianna: -blinks, turning red- Gia: Jules... don't. -walks over, starting to grab her- Julianna: -gets up, punching the wall, as I start crying- Julianna: I WANT TO FUCK THIS BITCH UP! I SWEAR! Nesha: -stands in the kitchen, hearing her as I laugh- I'm the pettiest lesbian in the world, nice to meet you bitch!

Nesha really threw those fucking roaches on me and I'm speechless and it's because I REALLLLLLLY wanna drop this bitch and it's so annoying that I can't bash her head into every single wall in this house. It's a mental game and if she thinks for one second she's gonna pull one over on me, she's got the game very much so fucked up words cannot even explain how annoyed I am right now.

Julianna: -starts to cry, leaning against the wall, as my leg shakes- Gia: -stands next to Julianna, rubbing her back- Don't go home over this, she's not worth it. Nesha: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nesha: BITCH, ANSWER ME NEXT TIME! -bangs on the counter- Julianna: -goes back and sits at the station, blanking out, as I just sit there- Gia: -stands near her, leaning onto the table next to her- Nesha: -Walks into the make up room, smiling at Gia and Julianna- Gia: What's funny? Nesha: -Sweeps up all of the roaches I threw at her- Me throwing roaches at her was pretty funny Nesha: -Walks out of the room and into the kitchen- Gia: That wasn't funny. Nesha: -Dumps the roaches into the kitchen trashcan and places the broom and dust pan back where it belongs- Nesha: TO YOU Gia: -digs my nail into my hair a bit- Gia: You're seriously a sick bitch Nesha: TO YOU Gia: Fucking freak Gia: Who touches roaches with their hands and throws it at someone!? Nesha: Nesha Banks ! Nesha: Nice to meet ya ! Nesha: -Dabs in the middle of the kitchen- Gia: I can't deal Nesha: Nobody asked you to sis. Nesha: -Throws my hair back, sitting in the kitchen, laughing- Gia: Alright, I don't care Nesha: YOU DO DOE Gia: I'm just saying that you're nasty Gia: I CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU DID TO MY FRIEND Gia: But I don't care what you have to say to me Nesha: If YOU'RE FEELING FROGGY Nesha: COME DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT Nesha: That was free of charge and I'd be happy enough to do it to you too ! Gia: Nesha, what do you want to do? Julianna: -Slides out of chair, getting up and takine another deep breath- Nesha: You want the roaches too? Gia: I'm not scared of you. Nesha: You don't have to be !? Gia: -walks out of the vanity room, going to the Living room area- Gia: I'm not, I'm just letting you know that you're a disgusting bitch

Call me a follower, call me what you want. But I'm legit fuming for Julianna, and I'm going to handle this the best way that I know how.

Julianna: -Walks out the makeup room, going to the kitchen and grabbing the garbage can, taking out the bag.- Nesha: You want the roaches? Yes or no? Gia: Go ahead, do what you want. Nesha: -Grabs the bag from Julianna- Nesha: -Opens it, throwing all the trash at Gia's body- Gia: -lunges out, yanking at Nesha's hair, as I yank her over to me quickly- Gia: -rags her down to her knees, holding her hair-

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