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BGC12: Episode 5: West vs East

Julianna: -Walks out the makeup room, going to the kitchen and grabbing the garbage can, taking out the bag.- Nesha: You want the roaches? Yes or no? Gia: Go ahead, do what you want. Nesha: -Grabs the bag from Julianna- Nesha: -Opens it, throwing all the trash at Gia's body- Gia: -lunges out, yanking at Nesha's hair, as I yank her over to me quickly- Gia: -rags her down to her kenes, holding her hair- Gia: -has a tight lock on her hair, beating on her head softly- Nesha: -Laughs a bit, overpowering her to the floor- Larrissa walks quickly grabbing Nesha by her waist intensely Nesha: -Punches her in the head hard Norrie: -guards run in swinging Nesha Gia: -keeps hitting on the back of her head, falling to the floor with her- Nesha: -Grabs he rhair and wams her head in Julianna: -Stands back as I was going to tie it into a knot- Nesha: -Punches her in the face twice- Blaire: -holds onto her hair tightly, yanking her over to me- Norrie: -guards hold back Gia Larrissa guard seperate it quickly Nesha: -Grabs her hair and yanks it out- Gia: -gets yanked back- Nesha: -Punches her in the head over and over- Larrissa grabs Nesha by her room Nesha: -Laughs- I GOT THE GIRLS BIG MAD Gia: -smells my arm, as it smells like trash- Nesha: -Dabs- Gia: Not mad, I'm chillin' Gia: You're just a weirdo Nesha: HOLLUH AYE AYE AYE -Hits the rollie- Larrissa holds her from the back holding her arms down not letting go

It's a new day in this house and it's soooo heartwarming to know Gia has my back 100% and I plan to return the favor when needed. I respect her on a new level because that's something that my friends outside the house would do.

"You know like I know that I will HUMBLE you, so carry on"

Amina - 22 - Washington DC

Bitch I'm from DC so like i'm not even gonna lie to you, yea imma hood princess, I'm with the shit. Like I started this pretty girl banging shit. Where I'm from we don't be doing a whole bunch of rapping so I been in a couple fights and weather im losing on winning i'm putting bitches to work and thats on everything. That's probably what makes me the bitch I am I don't give up and I'm not gon back down, i'm not copping from NOO BODY. I'm not stopping till I get what I want and guess what bitch? I always do.

Amina: -walks up to the Lobby, sitting down, as I cross my legs, looking around- So I'm not the only girl? Amina: -holds my drink, looking around- -the limo comes to a stop, as a girl gets out-

"I'm Sugar & Spice w/ Looks that Entice."

Harper | 21 | Jersey City, NJ I'm a very sweet girl when you get to know me. I'm a down ass girl and I love having fun all the time especially with a group of girls that are down for the turn up. I grew up with my grandmother; she basically raised me because my mom was never there and my dad passed away. It was hard growing up without a solid male influence. I had family and friends being lost almost everyday. Jersey City is a hard place to grow up in, it was never easy being the socially awkward and the misunderstood. But I always had a positive outlook on life. But I will have fun and hopefully grow with this experience.

Harper: Hey! I'm Harper. -walks over to her, extending my arm- Amina: -gets up, standing in the lobby and shaking her hand- I'm Amina, hey! Harper: You're so pretty, how old are you? Amina: 22 and you? Harper: 21! Amina: Yes, bitch! Let's get it -laughs, walking over to the elevator- you ready to see this house though? Harper: Yes, yes. -laughs, getting inside the elevator with her, as it goes up-

The first girl I meet Harper she's the other replacement but um yea she don't really look like a Harper i'm just not seeing it. Whatever tho she cute but I don't like her eyebrows they like over arched and look like a frowny face and that shit kinda throwing me off sorry. But I'm really in NYC, like I'm really doing this.

Amina: -steps out of the elevator, shouting- BIIIIITCHES! Harper: -walks behind her, laughing- Amina: We in this motherfucker -walks through the house, looking at the pictures- Gia: -walks out of the kitchen, seeing two girls- Hey, I'm Gia! Miranda: -walks over, smiling- I'm Miranda Amina: I'm Amina! Karmalene: I'm Karmalene Harper: Hey, I'm Harper! Julianna: -walks out of the vanity room slowly.- Hey, I'm Julianna.

Harper I'm just having a blast swae. Like everyone is vibing. People say this experience is so bad bu right now. I'm loving it soooo much.

The replacements are here, they're not bad looking so that's nice. They're not really... I don't know. Right now I'm not in the mood to meet anyone, and I'm really not this dry but I won't get any satisfaction until this whole Nesha thing is handled. Karma needs to admit what she did, or Nesha just needs to throw hands.

The gag is east girls are taking over. The gag is more dumb asses just came in. I'm not here for getting to know more people I'm cool with my girls right now but okay....

We got 2 new replacements and they're mad lit. Like they're from the east coast so you know it's about to get wild in this bitch. Us east coast bitches don't play! Welcome to the house Harper and Amina.

Nesha: Hey! I'm Nesha. Amina: I'm Amina Harper; I'm Harper. Nesha: You girls are so pretty, you're east coasters? Amina and Harper: YESSSS! Nesha: EAST COASTTTTTTT

Nesha: It's lit in this motherfucker!

House Confessional with Gia and Julianna Julianna: -Sits down intensely- Coming to you LIVE from NYC Gia: -sits down next to her, looking at the camera- Gia: Do you hear that shit? -says softly as there is thumping and yelling outside along with laughing- Julianna: -Holds hand like a mic- You're with Just Juli and Get money Gigi -makes an intense facial expression, trying to refrain from laughing- Gia: Just Juli and Get money Gigi -laughs, clapping- Julianna: -Pauses, making a yikes face- WE HAVE.... WHALES! -says dramatically as i hear thumping- Gia: -laughs, nodding- Gia: Nesha is trying SO hard to make friends. Julianna: She is and it's so clear Gia: I've never seen a bitch so vulnerable like this, it's sick. Julianna: she thinks she won Julianna: I've ner been so ready for war and LOWKEY DAT CLUB WAS WHACK Julianna: I have more fun when I'm not with Jennifer and Nesha Gia: Agreed Julianna: they just fuck up my vibe Julianna: by being dere Gia: -nods my head, moving my hair back- Julianna: and then nesha all in my area THROWING DRINKS Julianna: like I never come to the club clean because she always throwing shit Gia: But she won't ever swing Julianna: Never ever ever Gia: She's so weird and lame Julianna: I'm not swinging but I'm VUUUURY CLOSE TO Julianna: I'm gonna wait till Karma come clean Julianna: and then if she still continue Julianna: I'm fucking her up Julianna: I never had to fight but bitch I sure will Gia: Honestly Gia: She better get on Karma if the roaches REALLY affected her Gia: as much as she made it seem last night Julianna: I love how she went straight to us Julianna: as if Miranda and Jennifer fuck with her Gia: Exactly, like nobody even really likes you besides Gemma Julianna: New york trash sticks together Julianna: I think I wanna get a nose piercing Julianna: we should go tomorrow I need to get away Gia: We should go Gia: Right! Gia: It doesn't hurt at all honestly. Julianna: I just wanna be like out because what the fuck Julianna: I hope not because I'm a cry baby Gia: Yeah, I love getting away from these girls alone Gia: It won't be! You'll be fine Julianna: Facts, they're a bit too much Julianna: Every time we go out alone, we come back so happy Julianna: I think tomorrow, we leave the haters at home. Julianna: -Chuckles, looking to Gigi then the cameras- Julianna: camera* Gia: Agreed Gia: We need to keep these bitches away Julianna: -Chuckles, winking to the camera- Stay tuned! Julianna: -Turns off da cameras-

-the girls get ready and go to the Club- Harper: -starts dancing around in the VIP, rubbing my hands up and down my body- Amina: -takes down shots at the bar with Gia and Julianna- Gia: -keeps taking down shots- Nesha: -does a quick dab, dancing with Gemma and Jennifer-

I feel like a lot of these girls are trying to show this innocent side to them because the replacements just moved in, but that's just lame. Be yourself.

-fast forwards time and they all get into the Limo and head back home-

I'm bored and I notice that it's another day in this house and Gemma has been laying very low lately. Julianna has pressed her, Karma has pressed her. Third times the charm, let's see if I can push her to her limits and possibly get her pushed out.

Gia: I'm soooooooo bored. Gia: -opens the fridge, grabbing some Orange Juice- Harper: Mama bonita soy Africa Harper: /nods Harper: Yeah she's from America but her family is from Africa Gia: -opens the juice, walking down the hallway- Miranda: -Swings my hair back, fluddering my eyes dramatically.- Gia: -walks over to Gemma's room, throwing the OJ all around her room and then the last of it on her while she's in bed- Harper: I knooow she came in with me! Gia: Good morning! Gemma: *Getting up, running towards her pushing her flying forward* Gia: It's time to wake up, come on. Get out of bed. Gemma: Dont come where you not wanted ugly. Gia: -flies forward quickly- Gemma: *Getting in her face* Gia: -stumbles a bit, catching myself, walking over to her, getting in her face- Gia: Bitch, I'm going to go wherever I want Gemma: Bitch i can tell you Gemma: You not. Gia: Since when did you grow a backbone? Miranda: -Walks out of the room, seeing Gia and Gemma, folds my arms slowly, watching them.- Gemma: Since when did you get a voice Gia: I've been had a voice, if you were awake you'd be able to see it Harper: /stops and looks out to hear and see what the commotion is Harper: Hold on mama! Gemma: You been mute now since that fight, now you wanna fight the house Gemma: Do it boo Gia: Bitch, you stay asleep all day! Gia: That's all you fucking do! Gia: Sleep, sleep, sleep! -bangs on her dresser, still in her face- Gia: YOU LIVE DOWN THE BLOCK BITCH, GO HOME Gemma: Bitch im hungover, i got no makeup on and you wanna pour this shit over me *pushing her, sending the OJ out her hand* Miranda: -Walks closer to the commotion, leaning onto the wall.- Gemma: No bitch let me tell you whats gonna happen Amina: -walks out the phone room towards the arguement- Gia: -stumbles back, as the OJ flies all around the room, splashing on me a bit- Gia: -shoves her backward with force onto her bed- Get down bitch Gia: Get down. -starts putting my hair back- Get down. Miranda: -Squints my eyes, watching Gemma hit the floor.- Gemma: *Going flying back, hitting the floor* Gemma: *Getting up, walking back over to her* Gia: -puts my forearm to her chest as she walks back over to me- Gemma: *pushing her arm away from me* Gia: -my hand flies down, as I put it back up, shoving her back a bit with my forearm, going over to her dresser- Gemma: * id block her as she tries to reach for things* Gia: Get down, Gemma. Get down. -laughs, trying to move her from her dresser- Miranda: -Strokes my hair, watching the two of them.- Gia: You don't wanna go there with me. Gemma: Get out gia, Get out *starting to laugh* Gemma: Bitch your starting this, you and your fucked up west side bitches Gemma: You all rats let me tell you that Gia: You don't deserve to be here! Gemma: *Clapping in her face* Tell the damn producers that Gia: -claps back in her face- How about you move out the way and let me get your stuff!? Gemma: *throwing my ponytail around* You wanna go there or na? cause im about to get drunk or fuck you up Gia: What you want to do Gemma? Fuck me up, please. Miranda: -Strokes my hair, watching them, still leaning onto the wall.- Gemma: How about leave my damn room *getting in her face again now, pushing her towards the door* Gia: -swoops my hair behind my ears, moving her over as I manage to open one of her dressers, as it falls to the floor- Gia: -flies towards the door, catching myself- Gemma: Boo i been wanting too, Im waiting on you bitches swinging Gia: YOU HAVE YET TO SWING! Gemma: *Fixing my top now* Gemma: WHY DO I WANNA LEAVE? *yelling* Gia: -stands in the doorway of her room, leaning on it- Gia: You need to! Gia: WHO WANTS YOU HERE? Gemma: Im not a dumb bitch. Gemma: I dont give a fuck who wants me here *starting to laugh* Gemma: Im gon be here. Gemma: And you gon put up with it. Miranda: Gemma, you better do something. Harper: /walks out and watches them Gia: She won't. -laughs, looking over at Miranda- Gemma: Why would i swing in a fight SHE started, Giving her what she wanted Gia: She's literally wearing Orange Juice right now. Gemma: No miranda Gemma: And still looking better than your ugly ass *nudging past her walking out the room* Gia: Ugly!? Gia: UGLY!?!? Miranda: Wow, Gemma, you're going to look weak, yo! Miranda: -Pulls my hair behind my ear.- Gia: -laughs, walking out of the room as well-

Gemma... is a weak ass bitch. She literally just got punked out by Gia, I'm seriously disgusted. Gemma was semi-close to being able to hang with me until she just proved to me how much of a punk she is. She let Gia throw her clothes around, push her down, yell in her face and beat her ass.

Gia: GEMMMMMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gia: YOU'RE GOING HOMEEEEEEE Gia: -walks back over to the bathroom, going inside, as I put my hands on my hips- Gia: You still not ready? Harper: /hears Gia and gets up following her watching Gemma: *Jumping out the water neked, grabbing her by the head, pushing her to the floor as she bangs her head* Gemma: Why you been wanting this? Gemma: You done wrecked my SHIT AGAIN Gia: -falls to the floor quickly, as I hop up, grabbing onto her hair- Gia: -gets a tight lock of her hair, jerking her head down, as I slip a bit in the water- Gia: -keeps holding onto her hair, wrapping her hair around my knuckles- Gemma: *pulling onto her face, throwing my punches up* Harper: OH MY GOD! Gia: -throws light hits at the side of her head, holding onto her hair- Gia: -falls down on the tub floor, getting ontop of her- Norrie: -guards run in seperating the girls, slipping a bit in the water- Gemma: *as my head is down, throwing punches up in the air to her face* Miranda: -Watches the fight.- Gia: -keeps throwing hits at her head, holding her hair tightly- Gemma: *kicking my legs in her direction* Harper: Swae! Swae! Stop stop!! Gemma: *pulling for her hair as the security step in* Gia: -starts getting yanked by the guards, as they pull me away slowly, while I kick at her missing my kicks- Gemma: *covering myself from the male guards* bitch you not gon look. Gia: -keeps trying to kick at her, as the guards yank me out the bathroom- Gemma: thats what your not gonna do Gia: -gets huddled in the guards arms, as my hair is messy-

It's time to stop easing up on these bitches and slap them with the truth. Y'all are lame ass bitches, and I'm tired of this whole "HIT ME HIT ME" slick talk. You're either gonna make a move, or you're not. It's time to press play. It's about to start getting real lit in this house.

Julianna: but Gemma and Nesha just not fitting in the puzzle that is the bad girls club so i think we should turn it up a notch Amina: -swings the room door open walking out- Julianna: I'll be right back Gia: Yeah, I wanted to let them get settled but --- Amina: Where the bitches at Julianna: -Smiles, turning and walking out the kitchen, grabbing garbage bags on the way out- Amina: -oepns fridge grabbing water bottle- Amina: -looks up at the poster in the entrance- Amina: These bitches ugly yo Julianna: -walks into the makeup room, grabbing nesha's makeup products and mirror, putting it in the garbage bag- Amina: -keeps walking- Julianna: -takes it out, stomping on it like Camilla- Amina: -walks into the phone room- Julianna: -Drags garbage bag into the kitchen, turning on the stove, putting a pot on top- Amina: -dials my sister number and waits for a answer- Julianna: -Walks to the fridge, taking out mozerella, parm, gouda, and munster cheeses, and milk- Amina: Hello bitch Amina: This is Amina the fuck I'm in BGC house Julianna: -Dumps them in the pan, letting it bowl on low, going back to nesha's room- Amina: It's whatever im coolin this shit not what i expected Julianna: -Grabs her stuff, out the drawers, dumping it into the bag- Gemma: *blocking julia from getting anymore of Nesha's stuff* Gemma: You aint gonna touch stuff you cant afford Julianna: Girl Gemma: Girl.. Gia: -stands in the kitchen, pushing Gemma over- BITCH, MOVE! Julianna: I can afford gap now move bitch -pushes gemma with force out of my way- Gia: -stands in the kitchen, watching the pot boil- Amina: -moves phone from my ear hearing da noise- Julianna: -Continues dumping her clothes into the garbage bags, smashing the picture of her dead family- Gemma: *falling over, jumping to my feet pushing her onto the couch, grabbing the bag from her* Julianna: girl i said MOVE -rams my palm into gemma's forhead, throwing her back by her hair- Amina: Yea -brings phone back- this shit dry whole time Julianna: -Speedwalks out with nesha's things- Gia: -stands in the kitchen, looking at the pot- Gemma: Im taking that as a swing *grabbing her hair with force pulling her back* Julianna: Girl I really don't wanna fuck u up -says turning back in Gemma's direction Gemma: *id hover over her as shes on the floor* Julianna: -Grabs her, swinging her to the floor- Amina: Yes they fighting Julianna: Bitch Gemma: *Sending my fists into her face id yell* Julianna: -Punches her in the forehead, kicking her in the stomach- Gemma: You aint gonna touch her shit Julianna: -pulls myself up, holding her by her hair, ragging her around as i send punches to the back of her neck- Amina: -runs out the phone room grabbing gemma off- Gemma: *throwing a kick to her as it contacts with her* Amina: WE ARE BLACK WOMAN! Julianna: -beats on her head, holding her hair as Amina grabs her- Amina: STOP! Norrie: -guards rush in pulling dem- Julianna: BITCH BITCH -beats on her head as security grabs me Gemma: *Id grab her head, sending a few punches to it fast* Gemma: YOU ARE WEAK BITCH Gemma: YOU AND YOUR WEST BITCHES Gemma: *Picking my glasses up from the floor* Julianna: girl ahrite fuckin 4 eyed bitch Gia: WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING A BITCH WHO COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU? Julianna: -Walks around the brick away from security, snatching my garbage bag back- Julianna: -Dips spoon into sause- mmm girl Julianna: let me season this Julianna: -Sprinkles some salt and pepper in it, holding the pot up- Julianna: -Slowly marinates and drizzles the sauce into the bag of nesha's stuff- Amina: -run back to the phone- Amina: hey girl yea they was fighting Julianna: -Goes around security, going back into nesha room with the bag, holding it over my shoulder then smashing it against the wall causing it to explode on impact- Julianna: Mac and cheesed df outta this room Gemma: *Turning to her as the room is a mess* Gemma: We aint cleaning this shit, ima tell you that Julianna: -Struts out the room, walking past gemma with securtity- and yo goth ass ain't even stoop me and got popped in the process Julianna: ah duh cuz y'all dirty Gemma: Do your job you maid lookin fuck *yelling as she walks past* Julianna: Knock knee ass bitch Julianna: -jumps over security, slapping her glasses off- Julianna: Watch yo step Gemma: *fixing my sunglasses, fixing what's left off my stuff* Julianna: -Backs up-

I'm chillin' and I notice that Julianna is going into the room to try and mess with Nesha's things... Nesha been a real G to me in there. She gave me a bed. We been drunk together I wasn't gonna let her fuck her with things like that, it's low-key disrespectful and everybody else who claims they're her friend but said nothing are weak as fuck and I aint fucking with people like that. Facts

Producer: We think it's best if you go to a Hotel for the night, just to cool down. -says to Gemma- Gemma: -nods, listening- Producer: Just pack a bag for the night. Gemma: -gets up, packing my bag, as I get up, walking with Producer to the Elevator- Gemma: -gets inside the elevator, going downstairs-

Gemma is finally sticking up for herself and TRYING to fight my girls, but she still won't fight me. She's so lame and she's not going to last in this house, I tell you that now. Her days are outnumbered.

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