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Bad Girls Club S'12 - Episode 1: Coastal Collision

For years, East Coast vs West Coast has been a major thing in the United States. The East Coast vs West Coast hip hop rivalry was a feud from 1991 to 1997 between artists and fans of the East Coast hip hop and West Coast hip hop scenes in the United States. Tupac and Biggie were a perfect example of this. So we've gathered up 9 of the hottest East Coast and West Coast girls in hopes to fly them all out to New York for BGC12 West Meets East. 4 West Coast girls were flown out to New York, where 5 East Coast girls from different states on the East Side were also brought to New York.

People see my blonde hair and they instantly mistake me for being dumb and ditsy. But I'm really not that dumb and I'm really not that ditsy, you should be scared of me. Gia / 21 / Portland, Oregon

Back at home, I'm a major party girl. I love to have a good time and go out, if we're clubbing I'm not just going to be sitting on the side all boring. I'm going to grab a bottle, pop that motherfucker open and we're having a party. That's just how I was raised and that's just who I am. The girls that I usually get along with back home are pretty, love to have fun and aren't haters. I feel like who you surround yourself with, determines who you are and I decided I was never going to hang out with bitches that hate or can't give credit where credit is due. I'm a Bad Girl because I truly just don't care about anything, it sounds very cliche but it's true. I've always been a black sheep when I was growing up, I literally had no friends because of my style and the fact that I was very rebellious from a Christian background, like my parents literally disowned me when they seen how I started to dress and the types of guys I was bringing home but I didn't care, I felt like I should be able to be who I am and ever since the day I found out who I REALLY was, I just never gave a fuck anymore. Coming on this show, I hope to meet girls that are like me and show my family and everyone around me that I'm not the only bitch who goes out, screams, parties and is obnoxious.

Gia: -steps out of the Limo, walking inside of the Lobby as I look around in the Lobby- Oooh, we're in a Loft!? Gia: This is hella lit! -walks over to the elevator, pressing the button as I get inside- Gia: -gets inside the elevator, arriving upstairs- house gifs Gia: IS ANYBODY HOME!? Gia: -runs around the house, exploring it as I go to through all the rooms, picking the Hollywood room and making it mine-

You're either going to stand beside me or behind me, nobody is in-front of me unless they're taking my order. Catie Marie / 21 / Boston, MA

Growing up I was always the IT girl. I was always the center of attention, the one everyone wanted to be around, the guys wanted me...I mean, look at me...who wouldn't want me around? Girls tend to not like me because of my confidence. I can walk into a room and make it all about me and that often intimidates girls. Going into this house I'm honestly just here to have a great time. I know it's not going to be all cupcakes and rainbows but I definitely can take anything thrown my way.

Catie: -steps out of the Limo, strutting inside the house- Catie: This is cute... -walks over to the elevator, pushing the up button.- Catie: -steps inside the elevator, going up and then arriving and looking at the map with all the pictures on it- Catie: I really am the cutest. -walks around the corner, stepping deeper inside the house and looking around- Catie: Hello, anybody home!? Gia: Ah! Gia: -runs over in excitement, hugging her- I'm Gia! Catie: -hugs her back, smiling- I'm Catie! Gia: Where are you from? Catie: Boston! You?

Gia: I'm from Portland, this is all so new to me. This whole East Coast thing. -laughs-

First thing I see is a map of all the girls and I'm most definitely the cutest out the bunch. Shortly after a girl addresses me in a tank top and split ends and her name is Gia. Uh...hello? I give her a quick conversation and send her about her way.

Catie: Where are you rooming? Gia: I'm in the Hollywood room. -moves my hair back from my face- Catie: Alright, well looks I'm in there with you! -laughs, walking over to the room-

I meet Catie and she's a blonde... just like me! She seems to be very nice, I'm not going to judge her that much because I don't know her yet.

Julianna: -pulls up at a Restaurant, stepping out of the Limo, while swinging my hair back- Julianna: -holds my Chanel clutch tightly, strutting up to the Restaurant and walking inside as I go over to a booth.-

"I'm the CEO of the Bad and Boujee Committee Julianna / 22 / Seattle, WA

Yes, this is Julianna repping the West Coast. I'm not here to do anything but to show y'all how the girls from my state get down. Seattle is full of crazy, cutthroat bitches like myself and I'm a fun, down to earth, carefree...bitch. Going to be honest with you on that one. I'm a natural born leader and it's just like, you're either gonna get beside me, or get behind me. I'm the supreme bitch, you know? I'm not really nervous about anything coming into this house I know there's going to be drama, there's going to be fights, but there's also going to be me looking gorgeous but overall I'm ready to shake things up and let the girls know that I am that bitch.

"I'm going to do what I want to do always." Catalina / 20 / Queens, NY

Hey America, my name is Catalina but everyone knows me by my stage name Catya. I am 20 years old and I'm from Queens, NYC I resident from Long Beach California where I do my music and formerly signed with Formation Records. I'm from Hispanic descended I'm Puerto Rican and Italian. I grew up with a very poor family but you know I've made it out the struggle with my songs and lyrics. I've made a name for myself in New York and and California. I'm here to bring something different to the bad girls club house and let everyone know how I give it the fuck up. I have a bunch of followers on Instagram and on twitter who all support my music. So hopefully being in this house will help me get my name and music out there.

Julianna: -starts twirling my straw in my glass, taking a sip of it and swinging my hair back- Catalina: -limo arrives, stepping out and walking up to the Restaurant- Catalina: -sees a girl and goes over to her, smiling- Hey, I'm Catalina! Are you apart of the Bad Girls Club? Julianna: That is correct, I'm Julianna. -slightly smiles, looking her up and down-

"I've never been one to be a follower, I've always been a leader and that's just who I am." Gemma / 21 / Manhattan, NY

My names Gemma, I'm from Manhattan, NYC and I'm 21. I'm here to prove that the East Coast really IS on top and is the BEST coast. I'm a BAD girl because I chat no shit, I'm real, honest and I don't really care how it affects you. I feel like people judge me because I'm not gonna be fake and try be up your ass to like me, You either do or you don't.

Gemma: -steps out of the Limo, strutting over to the Restaurant and walking inside- Gemma: Hey Bad Girls! Gemma: -walks over to the section- Catalina: -smiles, jumping up- I'm Catalina! Julianna: I'm Julianna. Gemma: Hey, I'm Gemma. You girls are so pretty.

Jennifer: Woo, I'm excited! Jennifer: Are we heading to the House? Driver: No, we've got to make a quick stop real quick. Jennifer: Alright!

"Don't fuck with me, I don't care how close or cool we are... I will literally drop your ass in a second" Jennifer | 22 | Key West, FL

I would say i have 3 different personalities, you have Jennifer who is humble and relaxed and conservative, then you have Jenny who is the party girl she loves the alcohol and loves to dance shes the life of the party, then you have Jen and shes a BITCH she don't think twice once shes going to do something shes going to do it, she outspoken shes gone say what she want. And she hands to back her up. Jenny and Jennifer are scared of her. But majority of the time I'm a good girl and happy its all good energy But don't get it twisted don't let the me being goofy and stuff fool you.I wont start a fight but I most definitely will finish one. On the show i just to have fun and enjoy myself and its bad girls club so i know drama will be walking in the room soon, but I'm here for that to.

Driver: -pulls up at the Restaurant, walking out and going to the Restaurant- Ladies, the limo is here! Gemma: Yessss! Julianna: Finally. -makes a sigh, getting up and walking out the booth- Catalina: I'm fucking ready, I'm about to show these bitches how it is in NEW YOOOOOOOOOOORK! Gemma: -gets up, walking out to the Limo and stepping inside, seeing another girl- Julianna: -gets in the limo, seeing another girl as well- Catalina: -steps in the limo, sitting next to the girl- Jennifer: Hey, I'm Jennifer! Catalina: I'm Catalina or Catya, whichever -hugs her, smiling- you're so pretty Jennifer: Thank you, you too! Gemma: I'm Gemma -smiles- Julianna: I'm Julianna. -swings hair back, looking across the Limo- Driver: -slams the door shut, driving off to the House-

I can already tell these girls aren't on my level. Cat's wearing L&L Bean jeans and it's just... maybe I can throw her a life line and save her because ew.

-The Limo pulls up with Catalina, Gemma, Jennifer and Julianna in it- Julianna: -steps out of the Limo, walking into the Lobby- Gemma: -steps out behind her, walking inside as well, excited- Catalina: -struts into the Lobby- Jennifer: -steps out of the Limo, walking into the Lobby and tripping, then laughing- AH!!! Julianna: -gets inside the elevator, rolling my eyes- Jennifer, Catalina and Gemma get inside the elevator as well as it goes up to the floor. Jennifer: BIIIIIIIIIITCHES! Gemma: Oh my gosh! -runs around the house, exploring everything- Catalina: -walks next to Jenn, shouting- ANY BAD BITCHES HOME!? Catie and Gia walk out over to where everyone is Catie: I'm Catie! Hey -hugs Catalina and then Jenn, then Julianna- Gia: I'm Gia -hugs Jenn, Julianna and then Catalina- Catalina: You both are so pretty. Hey! I'm Catalina. Jennifer: I'm Jennifer! Julianna: I'm Julianna! Gemma: I'm Gemma! This house is beautiful and look at this picture of my twin. Julianna: Twin? I didn't know white people could have twins. -snickers slightly- Catalina: Gemma you're not going to say anything? -Walks past her going to look around some more- Selita: /walks into the lobby and receives the floor number Julianna: Ew that was mad ghetto -giggles- but I'm from Seattle Catalina: WAIT THIS IS MIAMI ROOM. Catalina: W'ERE CHANGING ROOMS JEN! Julianna: Right above Oregon so YAS Jennifer: BITCH I WANT THIS ROOM !!! Gemma looking back to Catalina confused Gia: -laughs, swinging my hair back- West Coast is the best coast Gemma: About what? i missed something clearly Catalina: -Jumps on bed with Jen- Selita: /tries to figure out how to go upstairs Julianna: -Winks pointing at her- Julianna: up Catie: Julianna said she didn't know white people could have twins, Gemma. Jennifer: -Giggles- Julianna: OK? Catalina: -Walks back to the kitchen with the other girls- Jennifer: -Sits my purse on the bed- Julianna: -bucks neck, looking at Catie- Catie swirls champagne in her glass, looking over at Julianna Catie: She said she missed soemthign so I STATED WHAT SHE MISSED. Selita: /exits the elevator Selita yells HELLLLLOOOO Blaire: -takes another sip of my Drink, hearing a girl- Julianna: I'm sure the girl heard me I was TAWLKIN to her Blaire: We're over here biiiiitch! Selita: WHERE THE BADDIES AT Selita: oooo this is cute Julianna: But anyway -Struts out the kitchen- See you girls later Catie looks over at the other girl, propping hand up at Julianna Catie: You talk too much.

This girl, this girl. She talks entirely too much and to top that, she's walking around here with aluminum foil wrapped around her body. Someone please take this bitch back to where she belongs.

This house is cute and my face is like everywhere so I mean yeah of course it's the shit. We're all talking and that Catie bitch, that bitch don't sit right with me. She here trying to press play when she looks like a poptart packet. I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW you want to be bad and boujee but you're just not maybe with some practice you can be though.

Selita: -steps into the house, seeing all of the commotion, as I'm super excited- Selita: I'm actually here! Selita: HEY BITCHES! -laughs, walking over- All of the girls that are there except Catie greet her

"I'm a fun ass bitch, who likes being boring?" Selita / 22 / Las Vegas, Nevada

Hey bitch My name is Selita, Who duh fuck doesn't know me.. I am a 22 from the one and only Las Vegas!!! I am here to slay you and soon you will begin to luh me. I like to do what I do best and that is freakin SLAYYYYYYY!!! AYEEEEEEEEE I tend to do things that others may not like but who gives a damn, I'm doing me and that is cool by me! So bitches BYEEEEEeeee Anyways... I do what i want, I do what I need to do, I am my own person I don't like the face to face convo... you can get smacked if you're standing too close, period.

Gia: So we're missing these two girls. -points to the pink haired and the black girl- Gia: I wonder when they're coming. Catie: Eh... -looks at them, then walks away- Jennifer: I'm ready for them to get here! Catalina: Right? I wonder what's taking so long, let's just hope they're ready to turn up. Selita: WOOOOO! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE IN FUCKING NEW YORK! LIKE WHAT

I like all the girls in the house so far but me and Jen are pretty much the closest. We've yet to meet the last 2 girls and I'm just hoping that they come before we go to the Club, Selita is also really annoying but I won't tell her that.

Gia: -walks inside the Confessional room and down the steps- Gia: -sees Julianna.- Oh shit Gia: I had no idea you were in here girl Julianna: It's okay girl I ain't say nothing yet Julianna: How do you feel about the girls anyway? Gia: -walks over and sits down- I think this is a very interesting bunch Gia: How do you feel about them? Julianna: I mean they not really on my level Julianna: So I'm gonna try and you know build them up a bit Julianna: Catya walked up on me in some LL Bean jeans but she not THAT bad Gia: -laughs, moving my hair back.- LL bean jeans Julianna: I'm trying not to you know judge too quick Julianna: girl but anyway Julianna: these girls kinda all over the place Julianna: too many of dem so I'm just gonna keep my cool Julianna: and lay low until i get used to this Gia: -nods, fixing my breast- Gia: I agree. I'm gonna stay more so to myself. Gia: Cause I know this is gonna get real messy. Julianna: It sure will and I'm too cute to be doing all this early Gia: Exactly. -laughs, snapping my fingers- Gia: West Coast is the best coast. Julianna: Agreed -Smiles- Let's go back out there I kinda wanna hit the club

Julianna: I'm not about to wait any longer, I'm ready to go to the Club. -sits at the Vanity table- Blaire: You better know the hot spots. -says to Catalina, laying my makeup out at my station- Catie: I don't think I've met you...hi, I'm Catie. Catalina: Oh, you know I do -Leans over to Gia giggling- Selita: Who's in the Hollywood room? There's some pillows on the floor. Selita: -looks at catie- now u wanna talk to me now? I been here Catie: Gia and I. Selita: im selita nice to meet you Jennifer: the New York room is free i think Selita Jennifer: -Touches up my make up- Catie: If you would've made your appearance known, I would've spoke but yeah. Selita: I think I'm going to the vegas room Catie looks away from her at Catalina Selita: -sets makeup stuff in my spot- Selita: well if u would have opened ya eyes you would have seen all these Catalina: -Smiles at Catie as I look at Selita- Selita: but mkay Catie: Not much to see. Selita flips her hair and looks in mirror Selita: i know my eyes can keep looking at you Selita: you man Catalina: -Walks over to the bench besides Catie- Catie: I honestly thought we were getting a cleaning service early or something. Or security. Catalina: Production gave us some designer clothes, do you like? Selita: -gets up and finds the vegas room- Catie: You should be lucky i even spoke to you sweetiekins, but enough with you cause we not going to make this about you. Catalina: Omg Catie! -Starts to laugh as I hold her waist- Selita: it is too late soon as u asked if we met it is about me Selita: -laughs and walks away- Catie sips drink, looking around Catie: She still talking? Gia: -looks between them two, as I continue to put my makeup in the tray on the table- Selita: -walks by kitchen- Catie: Why are these girls so thirsty? Like I literally only spoke to her and she's being smart at the mouth. Catalina: Oooh a tanning bed! Selita: hey girl! Catalina: Its the first day, just brush it off. Selita: which bed is yours? -says to Gemma- Gemma: The NYC one. Catalina: If a bitch puts her hands on you then you pop. Catie: It's cool...for now. Catalina: Im going to the tanning bed you wanna come? Catie swings hair to her back

I walk into the vanity room and I see an unfamiliar face so i do the polite thing and introduce myself and she's just being snappy with me. Honestly clearly she's jealous like this is the second time a girl has tried to press me but I'm going to let it slide because it's Day One and clearly girls are trying to fight for camera time and they won't get any from I.

Gia: I'm ready. -gets up, walking out of the Vanity room- Julianna: -finishes getting ready, hopping up as well- Me too bitch! Gia and Julianna get in the elevator and go downstairs to wait in the Limo Julianna: These bitches are taking foreveeeeeeeeeeeeer. Gia: -takes a sip of my drink- I think they're almost ready. Catie: -touches up my highlight, looking in the mirror- Jennifer: -sprays some perfume on my chest, fluffing my hair up and then gets up- You almost ready? Catie: I will be in a minute. Jennifer: Alright. Jennifer: -walks to the elevator and goes downstairs, walking out and getting in the Limo- Julianna: Yeah, that's all driver. We'll be leaving. -the limo speeds off to the Club-

It's only Day 1 and this bitch Julianna is already starting drama, like what is the point of leaving them back at home? You're so whack, you're not a bad girl.

Gia: -starts popping open bottles, drinking with Julianna and Jenn- Jennifer: -sits down, swinging my hair back- Julianna: So, where are you from again? Jennifer: Florida, you? Julianna: Seattle. Jennifer: That's dope, I've never been out there. Gia: -listens to them, continuing to dance- Julianna: It's really chill honestly.

We're in the club, and Jennifer isn't that bad. She's a bit boring though. She's not talking, not really dancing, she's just holding a bottle. Like, girl, look, I've never been in a house with such lames like. Y'all have no personality where is it at?!

Jennifer: Excuse me real quick, I need to use the bathroom. Julianna and Gia: Alright, okay Julianna: -keeps dancing around to the music with Gia- Gia: This is so lit! Like we're really here! Julianna: Right! Jennifer: -goes and gets in the Limo, leaving them back at the Club and going to the House.-

The jokes on you bitch.

Jennifer: -arrives back at the House, going upstairs- Jennifer: Hello!? Are y'all still here? Catie: Yeah. -sits in the kitchen with Selita and Catalina- Jennifer: Tell me how Julianna ditched you guys.. Catie: We know. Jennifer: Wait, wait, I didn't finish. But she ditched you guys and then was talking mad shit in the Club about you. -looks at Selita- Selita: Really? Her and I barely even know each other though. Jennifer: She was just saying how like you're giving West Coast a bad name by the way you look and shit. Selita: What... -starts to get infuriated- Catie: -looks over at Selita, raising an eyebrow- Catalina: -laughs- Did she really say that? Jennifer: Yes! She was talking so much shit.

I'm finding out that Gia and Julianna ditched me and the girls, but Julianna was talking shit about me and that... I'm not okay with. So it will be addressed.

Selita: bitch aint even form vegas Catie struts into Selita and Julianna room Selita: get the fuck out of here Catie: Evict her out this room! Uhun! Selita: -takes shit off her bedand slings it on the floor- Catie points to all her belongings, pulling hair up into a ponytail Selita: help me with this infected ass mattresss- Selita: bitch has to go Catie: oh my god. hold on, i'll be back. Catie rushes into my room, changing Catalina: -Kicks of high heels as I walk into Selita's and Julianna's room- Catalina: This is going be intersting. Selita: -jumps on julianna's bed while stomping on it- Selita: fuck her Catalina: Throw her matress down the elevator!! Catalina: I broke her vanity now you throw her matress!! Jennifer-Laughs- Yasss Selita bitch Jennifer: Yooo G i fuck with you ! Selita : help me with her shit Jennifer: up Selita : -picks up mattress with cat and runs to the elevator- Selita: jen open the elvator Jennifer: -opens the elevator- Selita : -runs with it with cat and throws it on the elevator- Selita: press that down button Selita: -spits on mattress- Catalina: -Throws her matress down the elevator- Catalina: AYEE WE LIT BAD GIRLS -High fives Jen and Selita- Selita: -high fives them back- Selita: -walks to julianna's picture and smacks it- Selita: BITCH

I'm honestly going to let what happen with Selita earlier go because...clearly she knows who's boss now. So I'm just going to egg this girl up so that she can end up fighting Julianna and hopefully one of them go home, because I don't like the both of them.

Julianna: -Plays in my hair approaching the door, opening it and stepping inside walking past the table- Hello! Julianna: -Steps inside, pushing hair behind my shoulders gently, pressing the button and going up- Julianna: up Julianna: -Steps inside the loft, doing a spin and flipping hair back- Jennifer: -gets out the showers and lotions my body- Julianna: up Larrissa stands up by the elevator intensely as the elevator opens Larrissa stands out of the camera shot as I look around Jennifer: -puts my hair in a bun, walks to my room and puts on some night clothes- Julianna: Oh so they did go out -Looks around hearing nothing- Selita: -runs by jen- Selita: BITCH WE HERE Julianna: -Walks over to the makeup room, seeing makeup everywhere- Juliannar: OH... -Steps around the mess, replacing my mirror with the extra one.- Larrissa stands nearby Julianna as she walks around Selita: -walks toward the makeup room- Catalina in the room with Jenn Selita: -picks up extra mirror and throws it- Selita: need a new one now Julianna: -Turns around, hearing the mirror smash- Julianna: Ew, you're mad extra. Selita: wassup Jennifer: Ooop -giggels- Catalina: -Stands on couch holding Jen's hand- Selita: -walks toward her- Selita: im what? Catalina: There fighting, there fighting should we go out? Jennifer: -Watches- Julianna: -Bucks my neck- You deaf? Selita: wha am i? Larrissa Narrate moves a bit closer towards them Selita: -MUSHES HER- Larrissa quickly grabs Selita tugging her back Selita : BITCH WHAT AM I Selita: what! Julianna: -Looks at her like she's stupid seeing urity grab her- Larrissa carries Selita into her bedroom intensely Julianna: security* Selita : let me go Julianna: -Giggles, waving at her as they carry her off.- Selita: trying to save dis bitch Larrissa puts Selita in her room blocking the door Larrissa: you need to calm down Selita: bitch imma fuck with your shit Jennifer: -Giggels- Selita: i am calm Jennifer: -bust out laughing- Selita: u dont see no veins poppin up Julianna: I'm in a house of bums, I expect nothing less, sweetie. Larrissa continues to block the door Catalina: -Burts out laugging with Jen- Selita: -goes through her shit- Selita: oh this looks nice Selita: -slings on the floor- Selita: can you move Jennifer: HAHA OMG SELITA! Selita: i need to go to the kitchen Selita: can i go to the kitchen Selita: im relaxed Jennifer: Selita you not gone tell her about her bed ? Selita: im calm Selita: she should have seen her bed Shannade: -Sits by Catalina- Selita: she nnot sleeping in the vegas room Selita: thats only for vegas gals Shannade -Giggels- Julianna: She's not going to last long -Says to myself, shrugging.- Selita: This MY ROOM BITCH! Selita: just now you not coming in here Catie: -Tightens bun, strutting around the house, giggling- Larrissa moves out of the way letting her out Larrissa: no fighting! Selita: where them other 2 bitches at? one of them moving in with me Julianna: -Nods sarcasticly, hearing Selita, letting out a chuckle.- Selita: i aint fighting Selita: im just going to the kitchen Julianna: Gladly. Can't room with a roach Shannade: LMAO -bust out laughing- Selita: to grab something to pop her with it Shannade: Selita chill Catalina: Haha! -Claps hands together- Catie: -adjusts bra, sitting on counter eating apple- Larrissa grabs Selita pulling her back into the room Julianna: -Smiles, making my way to the room, grabbing my things and walking into an empty bedroom Gemma sleeps in.- Selita: you know Julianna Larrissa blocks the door again Selita: -gets pulled back- Selita: i was nowhere near her Selita: why am i back in here Larrissa(The Producer): no threats!! I cant let you go if your not calm.... Jennifer: -Yells- Selita chill Selita: she doesn't like pops from the cans you drink? Selita: alright im done for now Julianna: -Makes a confused face, peeking head out the room- Let her go. Julianna: -Laughs.- Larrissa gets Selita out of the room

I get home and like, it's quiet and suddenly I see my makeup everywhere, I see my mirror is cracked and it's just like...y'all are mad extra. Selita's all in my face, knucking and bucking for god knows what and I'm really ---- like it's a joke to me. You look ridiculous. You look crazy and you look a mess. I see Destiny's Abortion in the corner laughing and giggling like, ew. What a cliche. Y'all are NOT bad and boujee like me, stop it.

"If I want to suck d*ck, I'm going to suck d*ck, if I want to get my pussy ate, I'm going to do that. I am the definition of a Bad Girl."

Yall know who the fuck it is its ya girl Karmalene aka theprincesshoe im finally in this bad girl house and I hope these girls don't see my pink hair and think shit is sweet yeah im all fun and giggles right now now but im sure sooner or later ima have to show these bitches why they call me the Queen of the Westcoast

Karmalene: ooo this is nice Shannade: -cackels- Julianna: -Grabs a straw, plopping it in the bottle, walking out the kitchen- Jennifer: bitch I think someone here Julianna: -Sees someone at the entrance- O hey Jennifer: -gets out the hot tub- come with me to see Karmalene: -walks up looking at the pics waling directly to mine- Catie: She can come address me. Karmalene: im cuteee -giggles- Jennifer: -giggels- Karmalene: -walks in a lil further seeing a few girls- Karmalene: HEYYYYY! Catalina: Heyyy girll!!! Karmalene: were the bad girls at? Jennifer: -walks out the hot room getting a peek of her and walks back into the hot room- Jennifer: lmao its the girl with the pink hair Karmalene: -walks over to the 2 i do see shaking their hands- Julianna: -Shrugs, walking to the mirror, doing a spin- Catie: -Refixes bun to pin it up, adjusting breasts into top- Karmalene: im karmalene nice to meet u both Shannade: -walks towrds the kitchen - Jennifer: Hii im Jennifer nice too meet you Jennifer: where you from ? Karmalene: im from Compton Karmalene: wbu Jennifer: ooop thats whats up -giggels Karmalene: did u guys pick rooms? Julianna: -Sips water from my straw, skipping back to my room- Jennifer: im from Key west florida Jennifer: yes we did you cmae just in time becuase its one bed left Karmalene: oh cool were is the liquor Jennifer: and its another girl who have not came yet Catalina: I'm from NYC, what about you? Catalina: Compton you're from the hood gorll ooop. Jennifer: so i guess you got the last bed it was drama ealier and a bed had to go Jennifer: -laughs at cat joke- Karmalene: oh lord Karmalene: u wanna show me Jennifer: Yea -giggels- Karmalene: or i gotta find it Karmalene: loool Karmalene: -flips hair giggling- Karmalene: well lets go Karmalene: -follows her-

so right of the back I meet 3 girls Catalina , Caite and Jenn they all seem cool but ofcourse im getting them drunk feeling them out im also drunk myself and they tell me how its already been drama but what can u expect its the fucking bad girls club shit is about to get realllll!

Catie: Wanna come in the confessional with us? Karmalene: suree Catie: C'mon! Karmalene: -follows her to the confessional- Catie: -struts to the confessional- Catie: I mean so far the West Coast girls been sucky besides you and Gia's okay. Jennifer: i think we all perefect Catie: So you gotta show me something different. Karmalene: like i can be a bitchh Karmalene: dont get me wrong Jennifer: -nods my head listening- Karmalene: but i aint no stuck up ass bitch u see i came and spoke to yall Karmalene: like this bitch Karmalene: julianna who ever Karmalene: she didnt even bother to say hi Karmalene: like and u in my room Jennifer: yea thats wack Karmalene: thats rude Karmalene: is she from the east? Jennifer: no from the west! Jennifer: -giggels- Karmalene: acting liek that Catie giggles, pushing hair back Karmalene: she better check it Karmalene: -flips hair- Jennifer: mhmmm girl Karmalene: OR I WILL! Karmalene: -gets up twirling my hips in the camera- Karmalene: season 12 Karmalene: its fucking lit Jennifer: yassss -claps my hands- Karmalene: -walks out the confessional talking loud- Karmalene: SO LIKE JEN U WANTED TO WAKE THE JULI GIRL UP RIGHT Karmalene: -walks thru the house looking for my room- Karmalene: -walks into my room- Karmalene: -sees her bed empty- Karmalene: hmm Karmalene: -goes to my bed going thru my bag- Julianna: -Finishes brushing teeth- Julianna: -Wipes my mouth, blowing out the candle and walking out of the bathroom and into my room- Julianna: -sets my things back, walking out of my room- Karmalene: -grabs my lipgloss looking up seeing her walk in- Karmalene: hey! Karmalene: finally woke up Karmalene: we were just gonna wake u up Karmalene: -giggles- Julianna: -sits down at the phone room chair, starting to dial my friend- Karmalene: -makes a confused face, giggling-

The Jessica Rabbit baby bop looking bitch gonna come out the confessional screaming my name like girl get in line. I have tons of haters and it's been what? Not even a full 24 hours. It's a follow the leader type of thing and I'm not a follower so I see why I don't really fit in.

-the limo pulls up downstairs- Nesha: -steps out of the Limo, adjusting my watch- Oh, this is fucking lit. Nesha: -walks to the Lobby, getting in the elevator and going upstairs-

"I'm a thorough bitch straight from the Bronx, everything I do and say is 100 percent me"

Nesha / 23 / Bronx, NY

I'm a full blown lesbian and tattoo artist. I love what and who I do. I've never been the type of female to look for drama, but I just feel like it always finds me.

Coming into this experience, I'm definitely ready to rep the East Coast and show these girls how we get down over HERE.

Nesha: -walks inside- WHERE THE SEXY BITCHES AT!? Karmalene: ohh your the black girl Karmalene: heyyy girl! Jennifer: -Walks over to the bar- Catie: -Walks to the pole by the bar- Nesha: -Looks at the girl- Oh you're the trailor shaped bitch? Nesha: -walks off from her- Nesha: Anyways, lets take some shots ladiessss Karmalene: -walks to the bar giggling- Karmalene: im the princess bitch Karmalene: u see the tiara Jennifer: -bust out lauging- OH MY Karmalene: trash hoe Nesha: You're the maid. Karmalene: anywayy Karmalene: -grabs a shot- Karmalene: dont get to comfy bitch u just walked in Karmalene: -tosses my shot back giggling- Julianna: -Walks towards the voices, seeing another new face- Nesha: You have no ass and your hair looks like a 3 month old tampon Karmalene: -makes a face- Nesha: Keep it moving Karmalene: ewppp Julianna: Ah, you must be the last girl Catie: -Struts around pole as I bend over towards the girls, shaking my hips left to right- Karmalene: -tosses hair behind me- Karmalene: she must be from the EAST Nesha: Im a thorough bitch, im comfortable everywhere. Julianna: I'm Juli -Smiles, extending hand out- Nesha: -Throws my hair, turnng towards juli- Hey ! Im nesha. Catie: I don't think a coast matters honestly...everyone's human. Nesha: -Shakes her hand- Catie: It all depends on how you're raised not WHERE you're born. Shannade: -Walks into my room and climbs into my bed- Karmalene: it matters Julianna: -Smiles- You gave me Nesha vibes, won't lie there Karmalene: and im sure we gone find out why soon Nesha: Lmao. Catie: -Swings around pole, looking over at the girls, shrugging- Nesha: Where are you from Juli? Catie: Don't drink all them shots bitches! I want 3 more before the night over! Julianna: I think we should talk about your bed situation because as of now... you're kind of bedless Nesha: Ohhh...what happened ? Julianna: Unless you want to take the girl who destroyed one of the beds room Julianna: One of the girls threw a bed down the elevator shaft so yeah, that happened Jennifer: -Goes to sleep- Nesha: -Makes a stank face- We're grown ass women and we're destroying beds? I swear to pop like bitches be mad extra. Julianna: I literally said the same thing. I don't know why she's so mad Catie: -Struts over to the bar, adjusting breasts in bikini top- Nesha: -Shrugs, taking a shot- I'm not stressing over a $2 bed. Catie: -Grabs a shot off the tray, making a sour face- Catie: Ah. Catie: You would think the more you drink it tastes better, it doesn't. Karmalene: -grabs grey goose bottle takeing it to the head as it drips down my chin- Julianna: -Chuckles- Well if it makes a difference you look WAAAAY better than your picture Nesha: -Giggles a bit, looking at Catie- Catie: -giggles, swinging hair back into a bun- Nesha: Yeah, I was high as shit Nesha: My hair looks a mess. Catie: Well Nesha what happened to your bed wasn't really a jab at you it was a jab at her. -Poitns to Julianna- Karmalene: -walks from the bar with my botle- Catie: You would understand the situation more maybe if you were it, y'know? Karmalene: -goes into the kitchen- Julianna: -Rolls eyes showing the whites- Nesha: So what happened? Jennifer: -wakes up to use the restroom- Julianna: Selita was hating Catie: Well the one over there -points to julianna- left Catalina, the girl who moved the bed and I for no reason. Jennifer: -goes to throw up in the toilet- Julianna: I said I was leaving, y'all decided to ignore me and paint your faces Catie: So Selita, the girl who moved your bed, is like hot-headed so she kinda lost it and plus the alcohol was an add-on. Julianna: Y'all still went out though so that's not much of an excuse to touch people's things Jennifer: -flushes the toilet an walks where the girls at- Julianna: So yeah Catie: I mean, I don't care about the situation. I didn't touch your stuff and I also don't move when you say go. Nesha: Okay well, Im sure Serita wont mind if I wtake her bed. Jennifer: Whats going on -looking around- Nesha: take** Julianna: I'm totally sure she wouldn't -Smiles, nodding at Nesha- Nesha: Can one of you please show me to my room? Jennifer: You have the Las Vegas orom Jennifer: *room Julianna: Gladly! -Raises up, grabbing Nesha's hand and leading her to the bedroom- Catie: -Makes annoyed face, adjusting breasts into top, making signals behind Juliana back to Nesha "Don't do it."- Jennifer: You really had the Newyork room! Nesha: -Walks with juli as i roll my luggage- Catie: -Mouths to Nesha "Don't do it."- Nesha: -Giggles at Catie mouthing- Julianna: Here ya go Nesha: Who's rooming in here? Jennifer: But Juli took your bed becuase Selita messed up her bed -walks back into my room- Catie: She's clearly trying to manipulate that girl because she's lonely. Julianna: Just Selita as of now Jennifer: -hears catie- I know she needs to tell her she took her bed Catie: What a loser.

So I get to the penthouse and it's mad cute son. It's giving me BRONX TEASEEEEEE. It's giving me NY right now and I love it. So I get into the house and the girls are gassing me up or whatever. I like them all except for Karmalene or whatever. She's a racist. I don't fuck with those. I have no bed, so I'm taking Selita's.

Well, Hello there, Nesha. Nesha's going crazy on umm....Pink haired girl and she's giving her the business. I'm kind of here for it and it turns out we found a perfect arrangement! Selita, you're now sleeping on the couch. I'd really hate to be her. She has to go through Nesha to get her bed back.

Gia: -wakes up, going and brushing my teeth- Julianna: -washes my face, brushing my teeth- Nesha: -brushes teeth as well- Julianna: I want to go out and do something. Did you meet Nesha yet? Gia: No, I didn't. I was so hammered after the club. Julianna: She's super cool, us 3 should go out. Gia: For sure.

I'm about to go out shopping with Julianna and Nesha. I want to take the time to feel these girls out, because I'm noticing that all the other girls are following Catie and that's kind of lame.

-the camera shows Gia, Nesha and Julianna showering, getting ready and then getting in the jeep and heading out- Julianna: But yea girl let me catch y'all up on everything Julianna: bring y'all up to speed Nesha: Spill Gia: Please do Julianna: So as you know we did leave them Julianna: -looks to Gigi, then strokes ponytail- Gia: -nods- Julianna: But like Jennifer was all in the car like hehehe hahah you crazy whatever whatever and i'm like they was taking too long Julianna: SO we reach the club, MY CLUB and I get this girl in the vip and we chatting about the house and what not because she felt like i was being standoffish Julianna: and I was like there's 9 girls so it's gonna be a bit hard to talk to everyone stuff like that and then i turn around and she's gone Julianna: and the limo is gone so I'm like... did she really leave? Nesha: -Throws my hair back, nodding- Julianna: So the place wasn't really far from the house so I walk because it's nice out and you know idc frfr Julianna: I come back home, Y'ALL! Julianna: Mattress that the bitch thought I was gonna sleep in, gone Julianna: my makeup? smashed Gia: She's so lame. Julianna: my mirror, smashed Gia: They're really lame. Julianna: and then I'm like wow really? Julianna: And selita JUMPS in my face Julianna: she's getting all rah rah and then I look over Julianna: and it's JENNIFER and Cat with Catie laughing Julianna: and i'm like OOOOH Julianna: OK Julianna: They want me to drag Selita but I'm not with it, not on the first day so im tryna walk away and selita gonna mush me now bitch... Julianna: Security swooped her up so quick Gia: -looks over, nodding- Gia: At this point, there's just some follower shit going on. Nesha: Imma keep in 1k. Nesha: Like I been noticing the lil slick shit with Catie running the girls Nesha: And it's like...where yall heads at? Gia: Exactly. Julianna: It hasn't even been 24 hours and they up each others ass. Gia: We're all grown ass women. Gia: EXACTLY! Julianna: I heard Catie telling Karma to PISS on my bed. Blaire: I'm not judging anyone or acting any type-- Julianna: and they here like AKEKEKEKEEKEKEK Julianna: like y'all really dirty Gia: Yeah, that's VERY dirty. Gia: Like that's some trailer trash dirty. Nesha: That's exactly what I called Karma Nesha: A trailer shaped bitch Nesha: -Shrugs- Gia: -laughs, moving my hair back- Julianna: FR Blaire: See, I'm really nice but this shit is just corny. Julianna: I'm a bitch but I ain't lame like this shit is lame bro Nesha: REAL lame. Julianna: They really lucky I ain't go upside they heads Nesha: I came to the bad girls club, not Animal planet. Like Catie is the head dog and these bitches is really breast feeding on her nipples Nesha: I cannot . Gia: -nods, listening.- Nesha: No shade to Catie tho cuz she's obviously doing her thing Nesha: But I peep it. Gia: Yeah, she is doing her thing. Gia: But, I've never lived with women who are like... followers. I've never lived with women but damn. Julianna: I dare you to tell them that Julianna: HONESTLY they buying my shit back Julianna: sooo Nesha: Oh being bold is never a dare. Nesha: Like what can these girls really do? Gia: I'll definitely tell. -laughs- Gia: Right? Nesha: Anyways, enough about those bitches Nesha: What do you ladies do for a living? Gia: I kind of dabble. Gia: I'm a bartender, but I was in college for Cosmetology, but I took a break. Gia: You? Nesha: I'm a tattoo artist, been doing it for some years now. I literally JUST got hired at black ink on 125th a few days ago. Julianna: I LOVE that show Nesha: Yessss. The TV Part is a bonus, but I really just like the money that rolls in Nesha: Wbu boo? Julianna: Uh I own a couple buildings, two clubs and I'm a makeup artist like full time but I'm back in school for enviormental science Julianna: iin other words i'm pretty busy Gia: -nods, listening as I eat- Nesha: -Eats, srmiking and swallowing- Nesha: CEO asf Julianna: I didn't like buy them or anything they were given to me but something like that Nesha: Like a present? Julianna: A will Julianna: my dad flatlined so yeah Nesha: Aw . Im sorry for your loss babe. Julianna: it's okay Nesha: Gia, where are you from? Gia: I'm from Portland, Oregon. You're from New York right? Gia: Sorry for your loss too. Julianna: Thanks it's okay though Gia: Were you guys really close? Nesha: Yuhhh. Julianna: Meh Nesha: -Takes another bite, listening- Julianna: It's complicated Julianna: On a more positive note you guys seem really cool Julianna: I actually am enjoying this -blank stares, then blinks confirming my thought - Nesha: Yeah, I like you both already. Nesha: I wanna see how yall party tho Julianna: I'm lit so Gia: Same. The only girls here with a mind of their own. Nesha: Ayee. Julianna: Amen to that Julianna: I feel like I need to get to the bottom of who touched my stuff because I got the bill for everything ready to go Julianna: In fact, I think it's time we go back to the house. Nesha: Yuh im stuffed. Nesha: -Asks the waitress for some to-go boxes- Julianna: -Nods getting my to go box also Nesha: -Grabs mine, putting my cheese burger and fries in it-

So Gia and Julianna and I are at lunch and the vibe is mad good. I really clique with these girls because we're all independent and don't follow under one bitch. So we're talking shit about the girls we don't like ofc and we basically determined that we're ready for one of Catie's minions to go.

Karmalene, Selita and I decide to go to dinner and they're just telling me everything I already know.

Karmalene: ima be real i cant be fake Karmalene: -sits the menu down looking at catie- Karmalene: -looks over at selita- Selita: im enjoying it regarding the last thing that happened on day one Karmalene: i called u ugly in ya pic Karmalene: im not even gone lie Karmalene: -starts giggling- Selita: girl its fine i did say u look like a clown tho Selita: so we both made pre=-udgements Karmalene: loool Selita: so we good Selita: lol Karmalene: yea mine aint the best eather Karmalene: lool Karmalene: -snaps my fingers- Selita: the best one is catie's tbh Karmalene: CAN WE SOME SOME SERVICE Karmalene: HALLOW Karmalene: dont have me get compton in here Selita: girl someone gonna pull it out Karmalene: yes catie is the cutest bitch on the east Selita: i already went ham already on a bitch Catie: Aw, thanks.

I'm gorgeous, I'm that bitch like...hello. But let me see what I'm going to be chowing down on tonight because I'm starving.

Karmalene: i think the house is already starting to get divided Selita: yes like its 9 of us bitches Karmalene: omg 9 Selita: so one side is gonna have more bitches Catie: Yeah it's like... Catie: Us three plus Catalina and Jen. Catie: Gemma and Gia are like in the middle then Nesha and um, Julianna. Catie: I like Nesha though, only person I don't really like is Julianna. Selita: gia to me is like on their side she play a lot Selita: so im iffy about gia tbh Karmalene: i wonder whos gonna be the first to go Catie: I like her, she's my room-mate. You guys should like her too. Karmalene: who gia? Selita: right i want to know who will be the first to go too Karmalene: tbh nesha said she aint scared to go home Karmalene: im sure wone take much to flick her back to the slums of NY Karmalene: *wont Selita: then ill get another roomie Selita: i already kicked the original one out Catie: Yeah, I feel like if you go home and even do anything to her or like her stuff, she'll hit you. Selita: and she went to another room Catie: And that'll be less people on their side. Karmalene: righttt Selita: true Karmalene: -starts thinking- Karmalene: iono but she gotta go Catie: I feel like Karmalene you should wait until tonight and press her. Catie: She's either going to have to swing on you and go home or look like a punk. Catie flings hair to her back Karmalene: ima wait until she get cute again Karmalene: and she will be pressed Karmalene: i dont play with bitches Karmalene: at all Selita: or if u say a comment and she catches it and tries to boss up Catie: Mhm, mhm. Karmalene: mhmm Karmalene: like please take that swing Karmalene: 2 days in Karmalene: ill beat the fuck out this bitch Catie: Well she got cute lastnight I don't know if you caught it, she called you a whore when you were walking away. Karmalene: on the hood Catie: I'm like "OOOOP." Selita: ooooop Karmalene: oop Karmalene: i know im a whore Karmalene: like Karmalene: thats obvious Karmalene: ima hoe Catie: That's why I asked you if you knew her from home because she was talking like she knew you. Karmalene: happy hoeing over here baby girl Selita: running of the mouf tbh Karmalene: she dont know shit Karmalene: but she gone know who i am fr Catie: Clearly. Karmalene: when i run down Karmalene: im keeping it so cute Catie: -Waitress comes with our food- Selita: -grabs food- Catie: Yeah keep it cute but just know she's around the house like dogging you out to the other girls. Karmalene: -grabs my pizza and drink- Selita: so the totem pole is Nesha, then? Catie: I feel like Julianna and Nesha can both go, honestly. Nesha is easier to crack though. Karmalene: tbh Karmalene: 2 for 1 Selita: and julianna if u keep fucking with her she'll pop her shit Catie: Selita can crawl under Julianna's skin easily and Karma clearly can crawl under Nesha's easily because they're both jealous of you two. Karmalene: right Karmalene: hmm Catie: So Karma can just pick at Nesha and if Julianna steps out of line, Selita you just come out and wash her. 2 for 1. Selita flips weaf around Catie: -Claps twice, moving hair to my back- Selita: mhm Catie: I can handle Gemma or whoever else steps out of place which I highly doubt. Karmalene: i mean it all sounds good Karmalene: lets see how it goes Catie: Is this all starting tonight? Karmalene: im with whatever Selita: yeah Karmalene: it can start when a bitch get cute with karma Catie: -Grabs fork, sticking it into my fries as I begin to eat- Selita: the whole house needs to have a little house meeting that will get it started Karmalene: -grabs slice of pizza taking a bite- Selita: but we have to dress prepared Selita: -starts eating my food- Catie: Mhm, mhm. Karmalene: i dont want them to think that we to pressed over them eather cuz i clearly can give a fuck about if they stay or go as long as bitches can respect me Selita: same if there is a respect then we can co esixt Selita: but if we cant then they can go Catie: -Chews food, covering my mouth- Yeah this show isn't about them but I do def think if Julianna or Nesha press you two again, just let them have it. Karmalene: that most def will happen Selita: -sips drink- i agree with that Catie: I feel like Selita you should just hit Julianna because she just keeps talking trash about you like even after everything, she was on the phone with someone saying you sound like a man and look like a man. Karmalene: -twirls straw around my drink takeing a sip- Catie: But with Karma, just wait until Nesha swings on you. Selita: imma approach her and see how it goes Selita: cuz im not going to the hotel again Karmalene: oop Karmalene: dont get kicked out behind trash tho Selita: im not Karmalene: just keep pushing her buttons Selita: yes very Karmalene: tbh i heard julianna on the phone saying how we are not on her level ect Selita: but her level is below ours so we dont need to be Catie: Yeah okay... Selita: -continue eating- Karmalene: but exactly what level are u on bitch u look like a rugged white bitch Catie: Her whack ass is ugly so that's that. Catie: -Flings hair to my back, eating more french fries- Selita: apparently she's black? Karmalene: shes black? Karmalene: WERE Karmalene: lmaoo Karmalene: thats hella funnny Selita: right Karmalene: bitch u wanna be black Selita: dyed her hair blonde? Selita: bitch for what Karmalene: she prolly Karmalene: bleach Catie: -Giggles, swallowing my food- Selita: tbh Selita: you know what would be awesome Catie: Enough about that roach, how are you guys with your family? Like are you all close to them or what? Selita: if we went to where they were and sat with them Selita: im close with my family, we talk a lot but then give space to let each other live their lifes Selita: wbu Karmalene: well i dont know my dad my mom and i fight alot because she dosent agree with the lifestyle i choose Karmalene: by being a prostittute or watever Karmalene: but she need to understand im not a 9 to 6 type of bitch Selita: right u getting the coins so u slaying Karmalene: i got face tattoos whos really finna hire me Selita: u get it how u get it Karmalene: ill stick to hoeing Selita: right Karmalene: i created myself Karmalene: i never use to look like this Selita: right. same with me, i had to go hard and beyond to get the things i have Karmalene: truee Karmalene: i been in and out of jail since i was 17 so u know i had to get everything on my own Catie: I get along with my parents. I'm basically funded by them, everything I want or need they buy it plus I make my own money. I live basically the perfect life. Selita: jail makes u a hard bitch Karmalene: sounds like the perfect life lol

Me, Catie, and Karma went out to each and discuss problems in the house. We came to the agreement that Nesha and Julianna need to G-O!

At dinner I'm just putting the bug deeper in Karmalene and Selita ear. I still don't like Selita for trying me so I'm just using her as my pawn right now. I'm not really here to give these girls second chances you slip up once and that's your ass. After I plant the bug in their ear I decide to ask about their family issues just for more things to use against them if they cross me. I'm honestly thinking of this house as a game right now and I'm the head bitch.

Selita: -gets in the elevator, leaning against the wall- Catie: -gets inside the elevator as well- Karmalene: -goes in the elevator as well, as it goes up- Jennifer: -sits in my bedroom, reading a book- Catie: -walks tinside the house- We're back bitches! Is anyone home? Jennifer: In my room! Catie: -walks over to the Jenn's room.- We should go out for a jog. Karmalene went on a date, and I don't really want to be here with Selita. Jennifer: -pushes my hair back, laughing- I'm down. Catie: -puts on jogging clothes, walking to the elevator- Jennifer: -walks behind her- We'll be back! Selita: Alright, see you guys later.

Me and Catie went jogging it was good to get out the house and get some fresh air. I honestly feel like me her and Cat have a real genuine friendship. Those are my bitches and thats who i fuck with.

Gia: -pulls up in the jeep with Julianna and Nesha- Nesha: -steps out- Julianna: -steps out, walking up to the Lobby- Gia: -walks inside, getting in the elevator- Nesha: -gets inside the elevator- Julianna: -steps in the elevator as it goes up- Gia: -walks around the corner.- Gia: I've never lived with a bunch of followers in my life. Selita: -sees gia- Nesha: -Laughs a bit, holding my box- Tea. Gia: -laughs, walking more into the house- Selita: who is a follower Gia: All of y'all Julianna: up Blaire: You, Karmalene, Jenn, Catalina Selita: bitch come back around the corner Nesha: Ah ! -Laughs a bit, sitting down, watching- Julianna: -Giggles, hearing Gia- Selita: -walks toward her- Gia: All you bitches are F O L L O W E R S Selita: but u didnt come around the corner tho Nesha: -Sets down my box, taking off my heels- Gia: I'm right here, you see me. Selita: BUT U DIDNT Come around the CORNER Julianna: -Walks into the kitchen, letting out a chuckle- Julianna: Who emssed with my makeup? Julianna: messed.* Norrie: -guards walk into the room, standing inbetween the girls- Selita: come around the fuken corner Julianna: Ya'll don't have to come -Looks at security, stroking ponytail- Gia: She's not doing anything. Selita: i was waiting for u to buss ya shit Julianna: Y'all keep holding this bitch, like, let her go. Selita: i knew ya bimbo ass was gonna pop that shit Gia: Because y'all are FOLLOWERS Norrie: Security: -doesnt make eye contact with Julianna cause she a bully- Selita: yall not here Selita: bitch it just ME Gia: I've never lived with people who follow under a GROWN woman. Julianna: -Grabs to go box, opening it a bit, throwing it at the back of Selita head- bitch what Selita: so bitch come in wit that same energy Nesha: -Looks at Selita weirdly, mouthing "what"- Blaire: Bitch, you're a fucking follower! -swings my head around- Julianna: -Stands behind security, stroking ponytail= Selita: -gets hit- Selita: Bit- Nesha: -laughs, clapping my hands- Nesha: JULI ! Selita: -runs at julianna and socks her- Selita: bitch Julianna: -Grabs her by her arm, slinging her to the floor, then stepping back - Selita: -snatches her up= Gia: Yessss! Julianna: -Walks away from her, gripping her off my shirt- Gia: -laughs, looking at Selita- Norrie: -guards yank Selita back Nesha: Hahhaa. Selita: -gets up and slaps her- Nesha: That WA Beat down Selita: u yanking the wrong one Julianna: Girl I ain't even punch you and you lucky I didn't Selita: YOU YANKING THE WONG ONE Selita: BUT I SOCKED U Nesha: Im dyingggg. SHe threw the whole to-go box Selita: SO HOW U FEEL Julianna: -Cocks head back laughing- Gia: -laughs, moving my hair behind my ears- Selita: they was right about u Nesha Selita: ya weaf is fucken ugly Norrie bends down picking up Selita's wig, placing it back on her head Selita: get u a fresh bundle Selita: u fucke bird Julianna: Girl sit down with your one ass bundle Nesha: I don't see Catie around Gia: Lost without Catie. Julianna: Clean them pickles out yo head Nesha: Why you talking? Nesha: LMAO Selita: girl u sit Nesha: This girl aint shit without Catie Selita: cuz i made yo ass cry to yo friend Nesha: Where's your master bro? Selita: master bitch bye Julianna: Who's crying? -looks around confused- I feel .... happy Selita: cuz u just got here and i can make u JUST LEAVE Nesha: -Takes my hat off, throwing it directly in Selita's face- Selita: -walks up to nesha- Nesha: So do it Selita: bitch Selita: -grips her hair and slings her- Nesha: -Throws a right hook at her jaw, grabbing her hair- Selita: -stomps her chest- Norrie: -guards yank them apart Julianna: -Yanks Nesha away- She not worth it Nesha: How you get your ass beat Nesha: with 1 hit Selita: why do yall hold me Selita: WHY Nesha: I can't. Gia: You're going home! -laughs, standing around guards- Selita: bitch i am home Gia: .....right. Selita: this my house Nesha: This AINT EVEN A HOUSE Selita: u just renting it up Norrie guards pull Selita to another room Selita: so pay up trikk Selita: PAY UP Gia: What happens in Vegas, needs to stay there. Selita: u got here a day late bitch u renting Julianna: Girl if that's what vegas bringing to the table... Nesha: I didnt. Nesha: I got here day 1. Nesha: Come correct. Julianna: queen of security Nesha: That was too easy. Norrie guards yank and jerk Selita to the space infront of the elevator Nesha: -Picks my hat up, putting it on- Julianna: They always jerk this bitch away like she really with the shits Gia: Byeeeeeeeeee! Nesha: This ain't even weave tho ! Nesha: This my real hair ! Selita: let me go Julianna: Pickle head bitch Nesha: Why she dead look like Peppa Pig Julianna: Girl this sound crazy but that was funny asf Julianna: -Laughs, cocking head back- Gia: Bitch chucked the to go box at her head. -laughs- Gia: BOOP! Nesha: IM NOT OVER THAT Selita: -talks to production- why yall keep touchin me Nesha: -Laughs as I sit down- Julianna: Girl I wasn't even hungry so I mean

Y'ALL! Selita talk way to fuckin' much behind these security guards she needed a meal with her big ass so yea she got hit with the to go box. Now she got all sorts of food up in her hair like oh well you're not part of the bad and boujiee committee go home

Catie: -gets back to the house, going in the elevator- Jennifer: -goes to the levator, getting inside as well- Catie: -walks inside the house, seeing the mess.- What happened? Selita: I just fought them two bitches Nesha and Julianna! Catie: Wooooow -laughs, covering my mouth-

We get home and see food on the floor and Selita hair is a frizzy. I mean her hair is always a mess so this is no difference but this time, she has marks across her face. Come to find out she fought both Nesha and Julianna...YES! I don't care who won or lost but I honestly am just happy that my plan is working exactly how I want it to. I told Selita at the dinner to swing the next time something happens and what did she do? Swing. Kudos to Catie, kudos to Catie.

Selita: -walks to the phone room, starting to dial my mom's number- Selita: I'm really starting to feel alone in this house.. Selita: None of the girls really like me. Catie: -sits in the other room with Jenn, laughing- Catalina: This bitch said she fought Nesha and Julianna! Isn't that what we wanted? Catie: -nods, laughing- Selita: I've never cared what people think, I just can't live with a bunch of people that are out to get me. Selita: -tears up, wiping my face.- It's whatever... I'm just going to go to bed. I love you. Catalina: -keeps laughing really loud, as it echos-

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